February 27, 2013

Winter Wonderland, part 2

Ok, it is probably official --> snow is gone!
But for those of you, who still refuse to admit it, I have another post full of pics from our ski vacation, with which I'll stock you up during the whole week - as we took more than googolplex of them - lol.
In case you wanna improve your geography of Slovakia, try to google Zuberec and you'll find the tiny village we stayed in. For the rest of you, who are not geo-freaks, here are some more pics of my family, friends and snow!

Ok, myslim ze je to oficialne --> sneh je prec!
Ale pre tych, ktori sa tejto myslienky odmietaju vzdat tu mam dalsi prispevok plny snehu z nasich jarnych prazdnin na lyziach, s ktorym Vas asi budem zasobovat po cely tyzden, nakolko sme nafotili asi milion fotiek - haha.
Pre tych z Vas, ktori maju potrebu zlepsit si svoju geografiu, skuste vygooglit Zuberec a najdete miesto, kde sme byvali - malu dedinku na Orave, ktora je poznacena turistickym ruchom :D
Pra Vas ostatnych, ktori sa zaobidete bez toho, aby ste vedeli presne lokalizovat Zuberec, su tu pre Vas fotky nasej rodiny, priatelov a snehu!
Tak si ich uzite!

My brother and my cousin - I told them to stand next to each other so I can snap the pic! LOL

Moj brat a moj bratranec - ulohou bolo, aby sa postavili k sebe - haha

View to the top - of course we didn't ski there!

A pohlad na hor do zlabu, kde sme my samozrejme nelyzovali!

And another group picture while the sun was shining!

February 25, 2013

Winter Wonderland, part 1

Last week was all about snow, ice and no internet connection!
So excuse my delay in posting these pictures from our family vacation to the Northern part of Slovakia - little but big country!
It was all about skiing, freezing and waking up early so we can be the first one on the slope, which is fully prepared and "ironed" just for us.

Posledny tyzden bol len o lyziach, snehu a ziadneho internetu!
Takze ospravedlnte moje zdrzanie pri posielani fotiek a zazitkov z nasich jarnych prazdnin, ktore sme stravili opat raz na Orave, lebo na Orave dobre - na Orave zdravo ;-)
Okrem snehu, ladu a hroznej zimy nas sprevadzalo este aj neskutocne skore vstavanie, nakolko moja rodina ma potrebu byt prva na svahu aj v rade na vlek, aby sme aspon tu prvu jazdu mali na plno "zmencestrovanom" svahu - no comment! Keby bolo po mojom, asi by som si aspon do osmej rano pospala - haha.

My brother, cousins and I - OR - two peas and an orange :)

Moj brat, sesternice a ja, alebo mandarinka a dva hrasky!

Oh, the winter countryside!

Turu-ru-ru-ru :)

With the lost cousin haha

So stratenym bratrancom :D

February 15, 2013

how pathetic...

How pathetic it can get, when on Valentine's day, my grandma, who is ... - well, old - gets the most presents and flowers from the family?!
Ok, I got it that they are not from some secret admirer, but from both of her sons, but still - do you get that point? 
Of course, I am just puling your leg - haha - how was your V day? :)

February 14, 2013

the cupcake day

Probably a big Valentine's cliché (probably?!), but I prepared some cupcakes for today. 
Actually, I was baking them already yesterday, so I can start giving them to the loved ones from the very beginning of the day :) And boy, they were good! Ok, my bro said that I can do better, but let's face it, he is a family, he is the only one who has a right to say so - lol.
Anyway, just wanted to wish you all a very happy Valentine's day and may you spend it with people you love, because that's exactly what I am going to do!
Have a lovely one!

Pravdepodobne dost clise na Valentina (dost?!), ale na dnesok som prichystala zopar muffinov.
Vlastne som ich piekla uz vcera, aby som ich mohla zacat rozdavat uz v predvecer, nakolko na dnes sa uz nic nezvysilo, lebo to co ostalo vzal moj brat do skoly - som celkom zvedava komu ich rozdal, dufam len ze ich nezjedol sam, hah.
Musim povedat, ze sa podarili. Hoci moj brat povedal, ze viem aj lepsie, ale nakolko je rodina, tak je asi jediny, kto ma pravo na taketo vyjadrenie, haha.
No nevadi, chcela som Vam len zazelat stastneho Valentina, nech ho prezijete s tymi, ktorych mate najradsej, a ktori su vasemu srdcu najblizsi, lebo to je presne to, co budem robit ja!

February 11, 2013

what a chocolate praline can do...

I believe there's nothing better than a proper chocolate praline (and of course a well done coffee served from PIP cup) to start the new week off!
Oh Switzerland I love you!

February 8, 2013

behind the window

I arrived home to the winter wonderland!
And I am sticking to the plan, which motivated me while studying:
hundreds cups of hot coffee, good series and warm socks :)
Have a happy Friday everyone!

February 5, 2013

moose head on

Sometime even a smooth day can turn into a very moose day!
Happy Tuesday everyone!

February 1, 2013

on a verge of glory

Hello February!
I know, it's been all quite here, but hey - the new month and the new challenges are here!
So let's congratulate the lady of the week - who is no one else than my friend Petra, who PASSED the last exam in her life (hopefully), and is way closer to graduation than I am.
So here we were, enjoying the festive lunch with a glass or two of prosseco :)

Ahoj Februar - vitam Ta medzi nami!
Viem, viem, nejak som tu poslednu dobu nesrsala aktivitou, ale nakolko sa nikto z Vas nevyjadril, ci chce alebo nie pocuvat o Konfuciovi alebo cinskych dejinach, brala som to ako nie a mlcala.
Tento tyzden vsak patri inej slecne, a nebude to nikto iny ako nasa Peta, ktora uspesne zostatnicovala a je o krok blizsie k promociam ako ja.
A tu je len zopar fotiek, zo slavnostneho obeda, kde sme si dali pohar alebo aj dva prosecca :)