March 30, 2013

For Easter Bunnies...

Happy Easter to all of you bunnies!
These are my homemade carrot cupcakes, which are just piece of heaven:)
Later on, I'll definitely write the recipe here, but for now, enjoy and celebrate.

March 28, 2013

Green Thursday

Whether you are big on Easter or not, today was Green Thursday, which indicates dressing up in green and eating all green stuff.
I couldn't fit more into the day as starting it with my new obsession - green smoothie!
Just mix up banana, spinach, white yogurt and a lil bit of honey and you have the best drink to kick off your day.
Do you like green smoothies? Which one is your fav?
Let me know and share :)

Ci uz sa zaujimate o Velku noc, alebo nie, tak dnes bol Zeleny stvrtok, co pre nas znamena obliect sa do zeleneho a hlavne jest len zelene veci. Takze na ranajky sme okrem tohto zeleneho smoothie mali aj avokadovu natierku, na obed hraskovu polievku a spenatovy privarok a na veceru, uz ani neviem.
V kazdom pripade je to prave zelene smoothie, o ktorom som s Vami dnes chcela hovorit :)
Banan, spenat, biely jogurt a trochu medu - zelena mnamka, ktora sa stala mojou novou vasnou posledne dni. Nie len, ze je to zdrave, ale dokonca tam vobec ten spenat ani necitit, takze je to ako zeleny bananovy cocktail :D
Co Vy a smoothie? Vyskusali ste uz zeleny?

March 27, 2013

for the special one

If you were ever about to guess my fav procrastination - Pinterest would be the right answer!
As I was spending there some proper amount of time I found this awesome idea for birthday card and immediately was into it. There could be no one more special than our baby girl, who will turn 1 year soon. A very special baby girl niece - and her package with a present and a card from her fav auntie is on its way - yaaay! Happy birthday, little angel :)

Keby ste nahodou niekedy mali odpovedat na otazku, ze co je moja najoblubenejsia prokrastinacia, tak odpovedou by bol Pinterest!
V poslednom case som na nom travila celkom dost casu, a tak mojej pozornosti neusiel tento narodeninovy pozdrav. Samozrejme som hned aj nasla pre koho by som ho mohla vyrobit. Jednoznacne pre nase babatko k jeho prvemu roku. Pre najkrajsieho anjelika pod slnkom.
Obalka je zabalena, darcek prichystany - vsetko najlepsie :)


March 24, 2013

One Saturday night

For no particular reason at all, but maybe only because we had so much fun and I finally finished reading The Great Gatsby, yesterdays evening was like...
the buildings were higher, the parties were bigger, the morals were loser, the liqueur was cheaper.
Yes, yes, yes, I cannot wait till the movie is out!
But until that time, we have to stick to Hemingways - lost generation as lost generation.
No more philosophies guys - live for the moment and enjoy it!

Neviem cim to bude, asi len tym, ze som konecne docitala Gatsbyho a napozerala trailer dookola 100krat, tak vcerajsi vecer bol ako...
the buildings were higher, the parties were bigger, the morals were loser, the liqueur was cheaper.
Ano, ano, bude to len tou knihou, a ano, neviem sa dockat maja, kedy to uz bude v kinach.
Ale dovtedy nam vsetkym bude musiet stacit Hemingway's bar - stratena generacia ako stratena generacia. Nerobme rozdiely! 
Ok, koniec filizofovaniu - zite naplno a hlavne si to aj uzivajte!

March 22, 2013

It's Friday!

It's Fridayyy everybody!
Let's start it up with a BIG croissant.
I am just above to make some coffee - oh happy day :)

March 19, 2013

when success meets professionalism

Yesterday evening was all about hair and hairdos. I got to know the new trends for spring/summer 2013 - not  that I particularly need to try them, but it's always good to be well informed!
flower - flowers -flowers
I don't need to say more - honestly - back to the basics and back to the nature.
The hues and tones? Moka Omres, ladies and gentlemen!
The hair professionals got inspired from catwalks and offer us this season some really nice cuts and colors. And you know what's the best of all? 
My friend Petra was on a stage presenting it all - and that's basically how I got in :)
Well done and bravo!

Vcerajsi vecer bol venovany vlasom, ucesom a kadernikom. Spoznala som vsetky modne trendy v ucesoch a farbach, ktore su pre nas pripravene pre sezonu jar/leto 2013 - nie zeby som ich musela konkretne vsetky hned aj vyskusat, ale stale je dobre byt informovany - ved keby nieco ;-)
kvety - kvety - kvety
Myslim, ze viac k tomu ani dodat nemusim - jednoducho navrat k prirode.
A v akych tonoch? No predsa v moka ombres! Ako to vyzera? Uplne prirodzene, az tak, ze by ste si to najskor ani nevsimli, ze to ma byt ombre (vlastna skusenost)
A viete co bolo na tom vsetkom najlepsie? Ze Peta bola na podiu a vsetko to tam prezentovala - no a to je asi tak aj cela story ako som sa ja dostala do zakulisia kadernickeho businessu :)
Myslim, ze celkovo mala akcia velky uspech, a mne ostava povedat uz len jedine: bravo!

March 17, 2013

The weekend post

The weekend was all fun and sun and loads of things were done for the very first time!
Let's start with the cooking the first lunch in Petra's new flat...

Cez vikend krasne svietilo slniecko, a na rozdiel od polky Slovenska, ktora je zasypana snehom, sme tu v Prahe mali krasne pocasie a tak sme si ho aj patricne uzili. Vela veci, sme roboli po prvykrat, ako napriklad varili obed v Petinom a Luckinom novom byte...

We baked healthy pasta in the oven - very first time and very yum!

Zapekali sme cestoviny a prvykrat skusali odolnost rury! Podarili sa na jednotku!

After lunch, it's very much recommended to have some cake and coffee. Which I had in a place I've never visited before and honestly don't really know if I am ever gonna visit again, but life is all about the second chances after all...

Po obede mam vo zvyku dat si nieco sladne a hlavne kafe, takze som sa v sobotu spolu s Betkou rozhodla vyskusat novu kaviaren, do ktorej pravdu povediac neviem ci sa este budem vracat, ale zivot je predsa o druhych sanciach...


March 13, 2013

dining with girls

I love love love dining with my girls!
Even tho this time, few of us were missing - we still had a pretty good time.
Thai food is always the best - so if you accidentally happen to be in Prague and you'll crave some - go to Neb.O and they will serve you the best.

Zo vsetkeho najradsej mam nase vecere s dievcatami zo skoly! 
Tie su stale nie len naj naj naj mnam, ale aj naj naj naj fun! (ok - to aby sa rymovalo :)
Aj napriek tomu, ze tento vecer nam niektore chybali, este stale sme sa mali viac ako fajn!
Najlepsie je stale dat si thajske jedlo - a tak, ak by ste niekedy boli v Prahe a mali velku chut dat si nieco mnam, tak Vas mile rada doporucim do Neb.O, kde Vas obsluzia na jednotku!

And again I had the same as always...

March 12, 2013

Despite it all...

Despite it all, I have a feeling that spring is just behind the corner!
And what could be better evidence of it, if not the Spring edition of Ritter Sport?
Today I went for Crema Catalana, and have to confess that it is almost half gone - haha.
What about you and spring? Any evidence? :)

March 8, 2013

fuel up!

I randomly thought of these pictures from go carts, which my bro and cousin participated in few weeks ago! Do I have to mention that I finished the last one? No, I don't think it's necessary :)
So the message for today is:
Add some fuel to your life, live it with intentions and walk to the edge!

March 3, 2013

500 days of spring

Here are some memories I offer you, when Petra and I went to IKEA for the first time in our lives to shop for real furniture and not just photo frames and bed sheets!
The day when we all will have to move out of student dorms is getting closer and closer, so some of us already decided to take the deep breath and make a big step and move out!
Well done girls - Petra and Lucka - we all are patiently awaiting the warm up party to come soon!

Ponukam Vam tu zopar fotiek, na ktorych su spomienky z nasej dnesnej navstevy IKEA, kedy sme spolu s Petou po prvykrat nakupovali normalny nabytok, a nie len ramceky na fotky a postelne pradlo!
Den, kedy sa vsetci budeme nakoniec musiet vystahovat z internatu sa blizi, a tak sa niektori z nas rozhodli urobit hlboky nadych a velky krok v pred - a odstahovat sa na byt!
Bravo dievcata - Peta a Lucka - a my vsetci uz v tichosti a napati ocakavame pozvanku na kolaudacku :)

The shopping needs to start up with a lunch! 
And according to the horse meat fiasco - there was salmon in EVERYTHING!!!

March 1, 2013


When I was still in the middle of exams period, completely hopeless and frustrated, Kitty wrote me: "It's gonna be over soon and you'll be doing snow-angels!!" 
Honestly when I read it back in January I thought that it's been a while ever since I heard something that crazy. BUT less than a month from that day, here I am - doing snow angels as a lil kid - smiling like a pumpkin - LOL. 
Oh yes Kitty, you were so right, I was doing snow-angels after all!

Ked som este bola len v strede skuskoveho sialenstva, uplne zdevastovana a zronena, Kitty mi poslala spravu: "Neboj sa, coskoro to budes mat za sebou a potom budes robit uz len snehovych anjelov!!"
Uprimne, ked som si to precitala, pomyslela som si, ze je to ta najabsurdnejsia vec aku som vtedy citala (a verte mi, ja som sa ucila cinske dejiny, takze tam bolo tych absurdit viac ako dost!). ALE, ani nie o mesiac od toho dna, voila robim si snehovych anjelov na Orave, konkretne v Muzeu oravskej dediny, a usmievam sa pri tom ako pampusik - haha.
Oh ano, Kitty mala znovu zas pravdu, nakoniec som robila snehovych anjelov!