October 24, 2013

Predictions, addictions and free choices

A friend of mine posted an article with the catchy title on Facebook. "A PhD with your coffee?" I was immediately interested. After reading it, I was immediately depressed. I could see myself in it - as clear as in the mirror. "Lost Generation" - is it what we are after succeeding at the university? Without a potential of finding a real job? If you told me about Lost Generation few days ago, I would immediately refer to Hemingway. Now I am referring to myself. Is this drive to get as good education as possible already written off? What about the investment into a human capital? Should I try to get a job in a local cafe and become professional in serving coffee before or after I finish my PhD? Those are all the questions which are running through my head and sipping coffee and observing the waiters just doesn't help. I am trying to figure out whether they have a BA in Arts, History or maybe MA in humanities. Or maybe just high school graduation. I am not bold enough to ask. Instead I am trying to take it positively. We all make choices. Each choice has a consequence. And each choice is exactly what we want. So instead of having heavy booths while pursuing a degree in what I like, I chose to enjoy it. Because who says that serving coffee with or without a degree will make me happy? I should enjoy the little perks of my life while I can and start to worry about  paying bills later. Or maybe just next week :) 

You can read full article on The Independent


October 5, 2013

Back to my Saturday's rituals

The city is changing - there're more cars and stress. Less warm days and patience. Leaves on the trees are yellow and there are orange pumpkins everywhere.
People are changing too - they're rushing around in heels and with big bags. Wearing scarfs, hats and cups of hot wine in their hands. 
But something always remains the same. My Saturday's breakfast at the farmer's market, which became our tradition. BIG chocolate or almond croissant and coffee. Can you possibly wish for more? Doesn't matter whether it's summer-spring or autumn, I'll always find it! 

October 3, 2013

Do you have IT?

Napriek tomu, že v našich krajinách (viď. Česká + Slovenská rep. a Maďarsko) sa pojem "IT-girl" nevyskytuje dlho, nejedná sa o žiadnu novinky. Práve naopak! "IT-girls" tu boli, sú a budú. Ich začiatok sa datuje niekde k zlatým dvadsiatym rokom - pomaly teda budú oslavovať prvé storočie.
Definovať samotný pojem "IT-girl" je náročné, nedá sa nájsť v slovníku. Jednoducho TO musíte mať. Pod tým TO ("it") sa môže skrývať nadpozemská krása, odzbrojovací zmysel pre humor, inšpiratívny postoj k životu alebo len nadčasový štýl. 
Niekedy je to podobné ako s "x-factorom". Môžete mať silný a krásny hlas ako mala Whitney Houston, ale aj tak súťaž nevyhráte, lebo vám bude chýbať TO. To pravé orechové vďaka čomu vystupujete z radu, fanušíkovia si vás vážia a každý vás chce napodobniť. 
Asi najznámejším a zároveň najviac nereálnym "IT-girl" je pre mňa Carrie Bradshaw, ktorá TO má všetko - na nohách lodičky a v ruke martini. Členkami klubu "IT-girls" boli aj Marilyn Monroe alebo Edie Sedgwick. V súčastnosti sa v ňom pohybujú Chloë  Sevigny, Alexa Chung, Olivia Palermo, Sienna Miller alebo Chiarra Ferragni. 
L'oreal Professionnel si pre nás túto sezónu tak isto prichystal kolekciu účesov inšpirovaných a určených práve pre "IT-girls". Ambasadorkou tohto projektu sa stala mladá, inteligentná a krásna slovenská spisovateľka Tamara Heribanová, ktorá sa pohybuje v slovenskej smotánke od narodenia, ale aj napriek tomu si zachováva ten správny prístup k životu. A hoci má hlavu v oblakoch, nohy má stále na zemi.
Som však presvedčená, že "IT-girls" sa nenachádzajú len na stránkach v časopisoch, kde je najdlhšia veta "info o cene v predajni". Sú to dievčatá, ženy, slečny a dámy, ktoré pracujú, bojujú a milujú všade okolo nás. A možno ich nestretnete každý piatok na párty, a možno nemajú ani značkovú kabelku, ale majú TO, prečo si zaslúžia náš obdiv.

Tamara Heribanová - prvá "IT-girl" L'oreal Professionnel
images via 

October 2, 2013

It starts to be real

Quite frankly, I wasn't expecting this. Frustration. Despair. Hopelessness. In one word: moving. Moving out and moving in. Looking for a flat. Picking the best option. Picking the cheapest one. Picking the pretties one. 
After the whole week of answering all sorts of ads and offers - finally it happened. I visited our future apartment just yesterday. It is pretty, has 2 rooms and one kitchen. Even a bathroom! And to all of my surprises it includes washing machine, oven and tv. Because believe me - to have a washing machine is quite a luxury (well, according to all the other flats).
In the end I don't know what was I expecting. Don't know why I though it'll be easier. Should have been prepared for it from Berlin. When I spent 2 weeks asking myself why on earth did I come here? To the city where I barely knew someone, where my job was crap and where I couldn't find a place to live?! Well a step at a time. Here I am now. Fighting the same battle in Prague with the slightly difference: I have no crap job. I have no job. YET. But I am sure it's just around the corner :)
PS1: Pictures from our flat coming soon! As soon as we decorate it and I bring my whole Blond Amsterdam Collection from home, haha.
PS2: Please, find the hidden symbol in this photo, as I was the whole time feeling like a snail without its home. Now it seems that a snail found its home, shell is it.