Lovely ladies,
before departing on a real vacation to the real sea - I am sending you greetings and memories from our last retro weekend, which my girls and I spent at the lake outside of the city. Totally felt like in some movie from the 60s and thought that this had to be a dream holiday in 1968, when the boarders were closed and Croatia was the most exotic place to be / no offense! But that's how life used to be - probably/
It must have been one of the hottest days this summer and we were lucky enough that: 1/ Lubka has a car. 2/ Lubka decided to split her time between us and her boyfriend. 3/ Water was cold and refreshing. Weather was not SO hot. And frappe was delicious! What more can you possibly dream of, right?
So now back to packing and deciding whether 2 pairs of swimsuits are just enough and how many tanks I need for an Italian holiday.
Stay with me and bare with me and I promise I'll be back soon!