June 13, 2012

How to be a proper tourist...

When being in Spain, the word locals use when referring to tourist is "giri" (excuse my spelling, it sucks in every single language, not to mention Spanish, which I don't even speak, haha).
And once when Miguel and I went to the beach he said he felt like a complete "giri" being with me. Because I am the tourist professional! Here are some "tips&tricks" how to become one:

Ked ste v Spanielsku, domaci maju specialne slovo, ktorym oznacuju turistov a to je "giri" (ospravedlnte moj spelling ale ten nie je dobry v ziadnom jazyku, nie to este v jazyku, ktorym ani nehovorim a to je spanielcina, haha).
Raz sme sa Miguel a ja vybrali na plaz a on mi povedal, ze sa pri mne citi ako totalny "giri". Pretoze ja som, damy a pani, turista-profesional! Tu je zopar trikov ako sa nim rychlo stanete aj Vy:

1. One of the most important things is to wear a holiday dress - usually white one (because it just fits the sea and the pics will be beautiful!).

1. Jedna z najdolezitejsich veci je nosit prazdninove saty - zvycajne biele (lebo biela tak krasne vynikne s modrym morom a fotky budu vyzerat super!).

My big thanks for this dress is to my lovely friend Siva!!! It's h&m garden collection from last year and I simply love it! 
2. Secondly we can't forget about the straw hat!!! We don't wanna be sunburned!

2. Nesmieme zabudnut ani na slameny klobuk! Nechceme predsa dostat upal!

My good old h&m hat.
3. Postcards, postcards, postcards!!! Never forget to send some at least to your family :)

3. Podhladnice, pohladnice, pohladnice!!! Nikdy nezabudnite poslat aspon rodine :)

4. Stopping by in Starbucks and letting your name being misspelled! Classic - but Laika? Seriously?? :D

4. Povinna zastavka v Starbuckse a samozrejme zle napisane meno! Klasika - ale Laika zo mna este nebola :D

5. Snapping pictures in the plane, as if you know what's below you? Can't help it, but we always do so. With this comes also a funny story. When my brother was a baby and we were flying for holidays he asked us: And where are all the dead people? We are supposed to fly through heaven now? Just adorable, right?

5. Fotit fotky v lietadle, ako keby sme presne vedeli co je pod nami?! Ale aj napriek vsetkemu, este stale to vsetci robime :) S tymto vstupom sa spaja aj roztomila historka, ked bol moj brat este babo a leteli sme na prazdniny, tak sa nas opytal: A kde su vsetci co zomreli? Letime teraz cez nebo predsa, ze? :))

6. Self-making pictures! When looking always horrible and weird but just making pics of ourselves is always fun and each and every tourist does so! I swear!

6. Robenie fotiek samych seba! Ked aj tak stale vyzerame hrozne, ale aj napriek tomu je to velka sranda a zarucene to robi kazdy poctivy turista :D

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