August 31, 2012

super cute

I've spent the last weekend in the countryside and in this little house, look what I've found! Probably the cutest glasses ever! I'm sure my friend Csilla would fully appreciate them. Almost stole them, but then my parents were like: do we need 2 MORE GLASSES in our house? And of course that-moralty-concious-feeling! haha
Are you also blown off? Or is it again just me?
Minuly vikend sme stravili na vidieku, na Strednom Slovensku v objati tajchov a zelene. A co som tam na chalupe len nenasla? Asi najchutnejsie pohare na svete! Som si ista, ze Csilla by ich ocenila!

August 30, 2012


Do you remember when I was talking about memories and how you can remember them better with Pandora on your wrist? Well, the other way which is a little bit cheaper and I even maybe prefer it, is to make a scrapbook of photos, pictures, old tickets and songs you used to like. I simply call it a book of life.
So I found myself finishing one just recently. I was adding some more pictures and memories from my Berlin time and how could I skip all those brunches and chai lattes? Oh well, this one is with my friend Fede, who always happily joined me for a morning crime at Barcomi's! Grazie Fedeee!
How do you preserve memories? Do you scrapbook? Or just simply keep them alive in your head? 

Pamatate si ako som nedavno hovorila o Pandore a o tom ako si s priveskami na ruke lepsie pripomeniete tie krasne chvile s ktorymi sa spajaju? Takze dalsi sposob, ktory je rozhodne lacnejsi a pravdepodobne ho mam aj radsej, je robenie roznych kolazi z fotiek, obrazkov, starych listkov na koncerty a do kina, textov piesni, ktore ste zvykli pocuvat... Jednoducho to volam kniha zivota.

August 28, 2012

and i dedicate this to ...

Today I've decided to post probably one of my favorite posts ever published here. It's about books and dedications.
Have you ever thought who would you dedicate a book to? I know, it's not the most common topic to think about when you're falling asleep, but for me it became a big question some time ago.
If you look at books you have at home, what will you find? I found zillion dedications to family, mother, father, wife or children. And friends - don't forget about them.
I am just not sure about it all. If you decide to dedicate a book to someone, it must be someone really special who inspires you or who helped you, or I don't know. Or what about to dedicate it to someone who is no longer among us? Something like in his/her honor? Isn't it better to dedicate to someone who can still appreciate it?
Help me answer these questions, so once when I'll have to answer who to dedicate, I'll have the right answer :)
But for now, I dedicate this post to my friend Katka, who cooked such a lovely dinner for me last night.

Dnes som sa rozhodla pridat asi moj najoblubenejsi prispevok, ktory som zatial publikovala. Je o knihach a venovaniach v nich.
Rozmyslali ste niekedy nad tym, ze komu by ste venovali knihu, keby sa Vam naskytla takato moznost? Viem, nie je to zrovna najklasickejsia tema na rozjimanie ked neviete v noci v posteli zaspat, ale aj tak sa s touto otazkou zaoberam uz nejaky cas.

August 27, 2012

like a princess

Remember that episode of Friends, when Rachel and Phoebe went running? And how embarrassed Rachel felt when Phoeby was running so childishly around? And also how Phoebe said that without running as fast as a kid to the monkey bars, it has simply no meaning to her?
So something similar happened to Csilla and I, when we visited a castle, where you could make your own paper crown! How cool, right? Do I have to tell you, that Csilla was more than hesitant? Haha, I am sure I don't. But then, once I asked if this is only for children or also other people can participate, she completely got into it. That much, that she even took her paper crown back home with her (mine is  also resting on a shelf in my room).
What I was trying to write here today is, that it doesn't matter what you do, if it makes you happy! And what if all the German tourists were staring at us?! Absolutely nothing! So just go there and have a time of your life!
PS: Special thanks to Csilla for modeling for me - you're the best! 
Pamatate si tu cast z Priatelov, ked Rachel a Phoebe behali v parku? A ako trapne sa Rachel citila, ked okolo nej Phoebe pobehovala ako male decko? A tak isto aj na to, ako jej Phoebe povedala, ze bez toho aby behala tak rychlo, ako dieta co trieli na preliezky, to nema pre nu jednoducho zmysel?

August 24, 2012

4 more months

I don't know how many of you has registered today, that 4 more months and Christmas is here!!! So merry pre-x-mass everybody!!!
I am sending you here the picture of x-mas cactus, which I took in all-year-round x-mas shop in Sedona. How cool is it, that in Arizona they decorate cactuses, right?
Do you have a x-mas tree or x-mas cactus?? haha

Neviem kolki z Vas ste si dnes vsimli, ze len 4 mesiace a su tu opat raz Vianoce!!! Takze vsetkym vesele pred-vianoce!!!

August 23, 2012

love for life

As I've already told you I've spent my b-day in Budapest with my dearest friends. I don't know what it is about the city, which makes me coming back again and again. There must be some special hidden magnet 'cos every time when I'm on a train back home, I am thinking and overthinking the idea of moving in permanently at least for a year.
But now when Csilla and Nora are there this dream might actually come true very easily and very soon!  Let's wait and see.
I am presenting you now some pictures we took on our strolls around the town and also from party in Szimpla, which became our favorite place after visiting it over and over again in Berlin.
Have you ever been to Budapest? Do we share the passion, haha?

Ako som Vam uz povedala, svoje narodeniny som stravila v Budapesti so svojimi drahymi kamaratmi. Neviem cim to je, ale toto mesto ma stale taha spat. Zakazkym ked som vo vlaku spat domov, tak rozmyslam nad tym, ci by som nemala prist na trvalo a vyskusat byvat tu aspon na rok.
Teraz ked Csilla a Nora budu v meste, tak sa tato "fantasmagoria" mozno aj coskoro stane skutocnostou. Ktovie? Pockame si a uvidime :)

August 22, 2012

happy birthday moi!

In case you haven't realized, it's my b-day today and it means a big celebration. I couldn't spend it better than with my Hungarian golden edition of friends in Budapest celebrating till very early morning until I had to catch a train back home. The picture is from Szimpla, where I left the memory of this amazing event! Anyway, once again, happy birthday to meee!

Ak ste si nahodou nevsimli, tak dnes mam narodeniny, co samozrejme znamena velku oslavu. Nemohla som ju stravit v lepsej spolocnosti, ako s mojou zlatou ediciou madarskych kamaratov v Budapesti, kde sme oslavovali az kym som rano nemusela ist na vlak. 

August 18, 2012

a very morning experience

My dear friend Csilla is visiting me in Slovakia this weekend. And as it was Saturday my parents suggested to join them at the local market. I can only tell you how hesitant I was, as I knew that I wouldn't find there racklet as in Berlin, neither marzipan croissant as in Prague.
But still, at 8am we were up and ready to go (more or less). We have seen loads of vegetables and fruits, some flowers and basically everything what belongs to the proper market place.
It's still funny for me that after living somewhere almost my whole life I've been always missing this experience. Oh well, as I say: everything is once for the first time :)
Do you like markets?
Moja dobra kamaratka Csilla je u mna tento vikend na navsteve. A kedze je sobota, je dobrym zvykom mojich rodicov vybrat sa na trh. Tentokrat v ramci zazitkov, navrhli aby sme sli s nimi. Dufam, ze je Vam vsetkym jasne ako sa mi "velmi" chcelo v sobotu rano vstavat, nakolko som vedela, ze tam nenajdeme ani racklet ako v Berline, ani marcipanovy croissant ako v Prahe.

August 16, 2012

all those resolutions and revolutions

All of us have those new years resolutions and then following revolutions in life. But how long can you keep up with that new years spirit?
This year I didn't even make one, 'cos I am still lacking in fulfilling the resolutions from last years... oh well. 
On the top of the list is to read more Economist than Vogue or any other magazine where are just photos and pictures of nice things. And you wanna know how am I doing? Oh well again! But this time I've almost made it, as I collected nice amount of smart papers and now I am summing up the courage to open them up!
How are you doing with your resolutions? Tell me your story! 

Vsetci to isto pozname, vsetky tie novorocne predsavzatia a nasledne zivotne revolucie, ktore maju trvanie tak maximalne do konca januara. 
Tento rok som si ani ziadne predsavzatie nedala, lebo este stale musim splnit dalsich x z minulych rokov...ach jaj.

August 15, 2012

after the wedding

Urban Outfitters / dress, h&m / necklace, Francesca's collection / handbag

My friends got married during the weekend and I would love to post you some pictures where we were all wearing fancy dresses, but the party was so much fun and we all are looking more than funny in all those photos.
So for now I have to leave you only with the combination I had and hope it's gonna be fine :) More or less I was wearing the same dress you've already seen here.
Hope you are having a happy holiday!

Moji kamarati mali tento vikend svadbu a ja by som tu tak rada poslala fotky, ako sme boli vsetci a vsetky vyparadene, ale nakolko svadba bola dokonala aj nasa zabava bola bujara a z fotiek sa stali nepublikovatelne kusky :)

August 14, 2012

magic moments

Who doesn't know Pandora by now? Their big commercial campaigns, which are trying to sell you a charm to remember the magical moments you spent with your beloved ones.
Oh well, I have to confess once again, that I believe in them and I belong to collectors of Pandora charms. But they are just sooo beautiful, aren't they?
But to remember all those special moments you don't have to wear a bracelet around your wrist. All those memories are actually deep down in your heart and when the right moment come they will come out and make us as fragile as never.
And I am gonna leave you today with the quote I found probably on Pinterest, but is very nicely fits the whole post, so here you go: The difference between memories and promises is, that we break promises but memories break us. 

Kto este dnes nepozna Pandoru? Ich velke reklamne kampane, ktore sa nam snazia predat privesky, aby sme si lepsie pripomenuli alebo pamatali tie chvile, ktore sme stravili s nasimi najblizsimi.
Ach jaj, opat sa musim priznat, ze som zberatelom tychto priveskov. Nie su jednoducho nadherne?

August 12, 2012

Introducing: Francesca's Collection

...Francesca's collection! Which is so far the best shop I've ever shopped in. And I am saying so after spending a month in the USA. But really, it reminds me a lil bit of Urban Outfitters, but is only for girls and you can find there everything from clothes, shoes, different accessories to home essential. 
Lost my heart in that shop - so don't be surprised when you'll be seeing this name from now on on this blog. The only problem is that they don't ship overseas - yet!
I snapped the pic of earring on the cover of my summer reading a.k.a. Perks of being a wallflower. Read it until the movie hits the scene ;-)
Predstavujem Vam Francesca's collection! Co je na teraz asi najlepsi obchod v ako som bola. A to som stravila mesiac v Amerike, takze pozor na to! haha Ale vazne teraz. Trochu mi pripomina Urban Outfitters, ale je len pre dievcata a daju sa tam najst rozne vecicky od siat, cez topanky a doplnky az po nejake ozdoby do domacnosti.

August 10, 2012

laughter is timeless

Walt Disney Concert Hall in L.A.
Few weeks ago I had a discussion with my cousin about the word "yummious", which he claimed doesn't exist! I can only tell you that it is one of the most common words in my vocabulary and all the time I said so, he started laughing. 
What I am saying to defense myself is, that he surely has no imagination. (can't really blame him, he does science) 
So I'm leaving you today with this short story, which wants to comemorate Walt Disney: "Laughter is timeless, imagination has no age and dreams are forever."
Think about it next time, when someone tells you that something doesn't exist!
Pred par tyzdnami som sa dostala do polemiky so svojim bratrancom, a sice slo o slovo "famozny", o ktorom on tvrdil ze neexistuje. Nakolko ocividne nepochadza zo slova "famous", alebo minimalne ja ho tak nepouzivam. Mozem len povedat, ze je to jedno z najfrekventovanejsich slov v mojej slovnej zasobe, a tak zakazdym ked som ho pouzila, spustil sa smiech (samozrejme z jeho strany).

August 9, 2012

beautiful mess

Hello there! You know as they always say that one has to have an order in a room or on a table to get the private life or just the life as a whole under control. I can confess that it never worked out for me this way. Those who used to live with me know that my desk where I do everything is just one big mess and it gets even messier during holidays when I don't have to do anything juts to store there everything... from the stationery, accessories, computer, all the different cables and wires and phones...
And now I have a feeling that this mess arrived to the blog as well. As this blog is just all about me and my ideas and from the very beginning it was about lifestyle and my ideas and now it's more about travels and now I am even thinking doing a lil bit of fashion, 'cos I've brought loads of things from the USA...

August 8, 2012

money, fortune, fame

How many songs are there about Hollywood? And how many people wanna go there? And how many times have you heard, that Hollywood is the must from LA and that stars live there and that there's sparkle and glitter everywhere?
So listen up now! None of this is true! Actually I was more than disappointed by the whole visit. Just too many people (as always), too much chaos and just too much of everything.
One says that you simply have to get into the mood of it all. But sincerely I doubt it. When we left (like 30 minutes after we took a picture with Hollywood sign in the background - together with another 5 people), I've realized that I haven't taken any picture of a star on the boulevard! Uuuups! But no regrets about that - unless I am the Oscar nominee or am otherwise invited to the Kodak Theater I guess you won't be seeing me there much - haha.
But each to his own - right? Do you like this kind of things? 
Kolkokrat ste poculi z radia piesne o Hollywoode? A kolko vela ludi sa tam chce dostat? A kolkokrat ste poculi, ze Hollywood je jednoducho to naj naj naj z LA, ze na 100% sa tam musite aspon raz za zivot pozriet? A ze je plny jagotu a trblietok zo strieborneho platna?

August 7, 2012

In a giant fairytale

General Sherman - the biggest sequoia
Say hello to the oldest living creatures in the world! One of our last trips in the US was The Sequoia National Park, where we took a walk among those giants. Honestly, when I was there they didn't seem THAT big, but now going through the photos and seeing how small everyone looks in comparison to them, I realized that these trees are living giants!

August 6, 2012

On a way from San Diego

On our way from San Diego, where we went to the biggest zoo, we stopped in San Clemente - Orange County, which is a heaven for surfers. If you watched The O.C. properly you could have seen Sandy going to surf every now and then. And honestly can't blame him, the water was just amazingly blue!

August 5, 2012

How free you are?

When being in the USA and driving on the highway just to get from one part of city to the other, I started thinking about freedom and if people in this country are really that free.
They say that it’s a country of unlimited choices and opportunities and that everyone is free. But then again are you that free when you can’t actually move without a car here? That you can’t even go shopping groceries without driving at least 10 minutes – if you’re lucky, of course!
On the other hand, what a good thing it is to have a metro in the city?
I was thinking about Berlin, how everyone goes green and uses bikes and walks everywhere and then I found myself in the middle of a highway going home from Hollywood, which took us one hour or more and we are still in L.A., actually.

August 2, 2012

Hello illusion

Desperate housewives street.
War of Worlds setting.

What's new Scooby Doo? 
With Apollo 13 crew.
Hello from Universal Studious, where illusion was born! I always thought that Copperfield was THE magician, but now I know that the magicians are guys from Universal Studios. Bravo for you!
The day was full of attractions, exploring and of course waiting in a line... But it was all worth it!
The best part for me was a 3D roller coaster, because I simply knew that I am safely on the ground and that there is just a movie screening in front of me. Really nice one! The Simpson ride is fully recommended by be - you won't be bored!