September 21, 2012

Meet my friends: Zuzka

Lieblings, for this Friday I've picked up for you my friend Zuzka. She belongs to people I know the longest time in my life. Not even we started 8-years-high school together, but we still keep in touch after the graduation from universities :)
Zuzka is beautiful (oh her hair!!!), understands biology and chemistry and she's marries! She is my first friend who got married, and exactly that's why I've decided to interview her for you.
So please, enjoy:

What do you usually have for breakfast? (a warm up!)

Oooh, really bad question for me! I hardly ever eat breakfast, as I almost always oversleep and I am happy that at least I manage to dress up! Sometimes it happens that my very first meal is actually lunch. Really bad, I know! But during the weekend I like to have a "sweet pastry" (really poor English translation - sorry) with butter and our family speciality is to sprinkle it with powder sugar (which reminds me a lil bit of Dutch style breakfast ;-)) And of course, hot cocoa! 

Wedding is supposed to be the most beautiful day in your life. Is it true for you?

Honestly,...YES! It was the highlight of the whole year, which we spend with preparation. When you care for the color of candles and napkins, picking up the decoration and tasting cakes... simply, you're trying to make everything perfect! And then the day comes, when you dress up in your wedding dress and forget all the small details, even tho you were going crazy that the candles are not in ivory color but in cream! The only thing I had on my mind that day was that I was standing in church next to Jakub and becoming his wife for the rest of our lives. Our whole wedding day was really beautiful. To see how happy our families and friends were, how they all love us and wish us all the best and of course what a good time they were having. We enjoyed it that much that we forgot to cut the wedding torte! lol

They say that the adventure either ends or starts with the wedding. How is it with you and Jakub? How have you spend your first after-wedding weeks?

When it comes to us, the adventure has certainly just begun! We are about to move to our very first and own flat, we have both graduated and got a job! I adore everything, what's new for me and recently it has been a lot! And the first after-wedding weeks? Lenka, you've heard more than enough about the reconstruction, right - haha?! Our marriage will fully start when we will finally move to the flat and we will be falling asleep next to each other in our new bed, which is now still in a basement! haha

Thank you for the interview! <3

Milacikovia, na dnesny piatok som pre Vas vybrala svoju kamaratku Zuzku. Patri k ludom, ktorych poznam najdlhsie. Spoznali sme sa na gymnaziu a stretavame sa dodnes, uz aj po vysokej skole :)
Zuzka je krasna (tie vlasy!!!), rozumie biologii a chemii a je vydata! Bola prvou mojou kamaratkou, ktora vstupila do manzelstva, a aj prave kvoli tomu som sa rozhodla ju pre Vas vyspovedat. 
Nech sa paci:

            Co zvyknete mavat na ranajky? (to je len zahrievacie kolo:))

Ooooh velmi zla otazka pre mna! Ranajkujem velmi zriedka, pretoze ja kazde rano zaspim a som rada, ze sa stihnem vobec obliect! Niekedy sa potom stane, ze moje prve jedlo dna je obed. Strasne, ja viem! Cez vikend si ale rada dam cerstvu vianocku s maslom a nasa rodinna specialita: posypem si ju praskovym cukromJ A samozrejme kakao nesmie chybat!

Svadba by mala byt najkrajsim dnom zivota. Plati to aj o Tebe?

Musim neskromne povedat, ze ANO ! Svadobny den bol vyvrcholenim roku priprav, kedy sa staras o farbu sviecok a servitiek, vyrabas tonu dekoracii, ochutnavas kolace... proste sa snazis, aby bolo vsetko dokonale. A potom pride ten den, ked sa oblecies do svadobnych siat a uplne zabudnes na vsetky taketo malickosti, aj ked este vcera si salela z toho, ze sviecky su slonovinove a nie smotanove. Jedine na co som v ten den myslela bolo, aby som uz stala v kostole pri Jakubovi, a aby som uz bola navzdy jeho zenou. Cely nas svadobny den bol taky krasny! Vidiet nase rodiny a kamaratov aki su stastni, a ako nas maju radi, ako nam zelaju to najlepsie, a ako sa s nami zabavaju. Bavili sme sa az tak, ze sme uplne zabudli rozkrajat svadonu tortu! 

Hovori sa, ze dobrodruzstvo sa bud svadbou zacina alebo konci? Ako je to s Tebou a Jakubom? Ako si uzivate svoje prve posvadobne tyzdne?

U nas sa svadbou dobrodruzstvo jednoznacne zacina. Budeme sa stahovat do nasho noveho bytu, obaja sme dostudovali a mame nove zamestnania. Zboznujem vsetko, co je pre mna nove a ja mam toho noveho v zivote momentalne velmi vela. Prve posvadobne tyzdne? Leni, ty si sa uz o nasej prestavbe bytu napocuvala dost, nie? :D Nase manzelstvo sa naplno zacne az ked uz budeme prestahovani a budeme zaspavat jeden vedla druheho v novej posteli, ktora je zatial odlozena niekde v pivnici J

Dakujem za rozhovor! <3 

Precitajte si aj rozhovor s Kitty!


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