In case you haven't noticed, it's Halloween today! I can't say that Czech Republic celebrates this much, but you can still find something from this American tradition also here.
So my friend Lucka and I took this chance and went exploring to farmer's market, which was supposed to be dedicated to Halloween. The only pity is that we arrived too late...
Keby ste si nahodou niekto nevsimli, tak dnes je Halloween! Tu v Cechach sa ale tento sviatok az tak neoslavuje, ale aj napriek tomu si kazdy vie najst to po com mu srdce pisti :)
A tak sme sa ja a moja kamaratka Lucka vybrali na farmarske trhy, ktore mali byt dnes specialne venovane Halloweenu. Jedna smola len, ze sme prisli trochu neskoro...
At least we had our first "Gluhwein" of the season - yum yum yum!
Tak sme si aspon dali prvy "svařák" sezony - mnamky!
How beautiful is Lucka?!
Ako krasne Lucka vyzerala?!
Do you remember this tree from Saturday's post? It was all covered in snow and now?
Pamatate si tento strom zo sobotneho prispevku? Ako bol cely pod snehom?
And a lil bit of meeee...!!! haha
And some pumpkins we found!
A nasli sme aj nejake vyrezane tekvice!
And me looking like a giant in that parka - lol.
And one last picture from the church - how lovely?!