family heritage
Everyone and everything nowadays is about beanie. So I've decided to give it a try, dig in my parents wardrobe and found this! My dad's hat when he was a teen. My mum refused to let me leave the house with this on my head, but oh well it happened and I like it!
Once again my theory, that the best bargain can be done in your parents/grandparents closet happened to be true!
What do you think?
Sype sa to zovsadial, vsetko a vsetci su dnes posadnuti s "beanie" (nevymyslela som tomuto anglickemu pomenovaniu ziadny slovensky ekvivalent, lebo by to asi musel byt fazulka, co znie velmi komicky :D).
A tak som sa znovu rozhodla vyrazit na nakupy do skrine mojich rodicov a objavit tam aj taketo skvosty. To co mam na hlave je ciapka mojho otca z cias, ked bol asi este slobodny :D
Mamka ma s nou nechcela nechat opustit nas byt, ale stalo sa a ja som si ju zamilovala.
Opat sa raz potvrdilo to, co som sa Vam uz parkrat snazila vysvetlit a sice, ze najdrahsie poklady su ukryte doma v skrini :)
Co si myslite?
cool beanie x)
very nice!!:)
ReplyDeleteThaaaanks! x