January 3, 2013

Hello 2013!

Hello lovelies and hello the brand new year 2013!
The new year always starts with new years resolutions and a little life revolutions, which we keep up to for the first week of January - am I right?
When it comes to me, I've been struggling with keeping up to my new years resolutions lately. I still haven't been to x-mas markets in Vienna, still haven't visited my friend Blathna in Ireland or still haven't read Crime and Punishment - oh well for me!
For this year I've prepared few new resolutions, which I've decided to share with you and maybe even inspire you in a way.
Here we go:
  1. I hope and I cross my fingers to graduate in June 2013 - one of the biggest challenge!
  2. To successfully complete my final thesis - which doesn't even exist by now - another BIG challenge.
  3. To be accepted to PHD in Budapest - which would be dreams coming true!
  4. To be a baby sitter for a little angel - my niece - this summer.
  5. Meeting Robbie Williams in Vienna in July - tickets are bought so now up to the stage - please!
  6. To keep in touch with my dear ones.
  7. To be more tolerant, understandable and simply better friend.
Wish me luck to keeping them!
And you, please, share some of yours for a better inspiration :)

Ahojte kamarati a ahoj uplne novy rok 2013!
Novy rok stale zacina s novymi predsavzatiami a malymi osobnymi revoluciami v nasich zivotoch, ktore trvaju tak maximalne tyzden. Posledne roky som nemala to stastie, aby som dodrzala vsetko, co som si toho 1.Januara naslubovala. Este stale som nebola na vianocnych trhoch vo Viedni, nenavstivila Blathnu v Irsku a este stale neprecitala Zlocin a trest!
Tohto roku ale dufam, ze sa mi podari vydrzat a hlavne dodrzat, co si tu teraz pred Vami napisem!
  1. Statnice - statnice - statnice! Prosim nech sa v juni vsetko podari, tak ako ma!
  2. Dopisat, zatial neexistujucu diplomku - vyzva storocia!
  3. Prijatie na phd program do Budapesti - ak sa toto podari, nic viac uz ziadat nebudem :D
  4. Byt baby sitterkou pre maleho anjelika - moju neter - toto leto.
  5. Stretnut sa zoci voci s Robbiem Williamsom! Listky uz kupene su, teraz uz len zaistit svoj prichod na podium :D
  6. Zostat v kontakte s tymi, ktori su blizko mojmu srdcu.
  7. A v neposlednom rade byt tolerantnejsia, chapavejsia, jednoducho lepsia kamaratka.
Tak mi s tym drzte palce!
A tak isto sa podelte s tym, co ste si predsavzali Vy :)



  1. happy 2013 !!! nice blog! Maybe we follow each other?! Let me know ;) www.yuliekendra.com

    1. Hey Yulie, thanks for stopping by! Let's do it :)

  2. Thanks so much for following me, following you too XO


  3. Hi Etiene! You look so so cute!

    -Lauren at adorn la femme

  4. Thank you guys for your lovely comments! xx


Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts with me! x