October 3, 2012

blind date

Is it only me or do you also have a feeling that dating belongs to the last century? How many of your girlfriends are single and how many are actually dating? I can tell you my statistic straight way: none. And I am not exaggerating!
Is it true that the proper chivalry and dating belongs to the different decade, to the decade when Robbie Williams was still single, Jennifer Aniston married to Brad Pitt and I was only 18?
I still didn't tell you my dating story from metro, from last week. So I was standing there and suddenly this nice guy walked in and started chatting to me. It wasn't one of those awkward chats when the whole metro is staring at you thinking thank God that guy is not talking to me and giving me pity looks. No, actually, it was kinda charming. Especially when the guy said that he really liked my lipstick and all those cheese things and then invited me for a drink and I said: No! Because I didn't tell you a tiny tiny detail, that he was as old as my father probably. On the other hand, my friend just told me: Silly you! You're so lame! - really? Am I? But anyway this is the closer I got to the date - voila.
Actually not, I had one perfect date last week with Hallam Foe, the blind one. I was on a blind date in Aero cinema, it's when you go for a movie and don't know which movie is gonna be screened. So this time it was Hallam Foe and I have to tell you, it was a good one. So if you're gonna be in a mood for a good movie, go for this one. And if you're gonna be in a mood for a blind date, meet me in Aero next time!

Mam ten pocit len ja alebo sa uz prestalo chodit na rande? Kolko Vasich kamaratok je slobodnych a kolko z nich realne randi? Svoju statistiku Vam viem povedat hned a presne: ziadna. A to neprehanam!
Je vazne pravda, ze randenie patri do minule storocia, do toho ked bol este Robbie Williams slobodny, Jennifer Aniston bola vydata za Brada Pitta a ja som mala 18?
Este stale som Vam ale nepovedala o svojom skoro rande z metra. Takze som si v nom pekne stala a na Mustku ku mne pristupil celkom zaujimavy chlapik a zacal sa so mnou bavit. Nebol to jeden z tych trapnych rozhovorov, kedy na Vas pozera cele metro, v duchu Vas lutuje a je rado, ze ten chlap sa nerozprava s nim. Nie, bol to celkom prijemny rozhovor, ktory vyvrcholil komplimentom o mojom ruzi a naslednym pozvanim na drink. Ktory som samozrejme odmietla. Nakolko som Vam zabudla zdelit velmi dolezity detail o tomto panovi, a sice ze bol stary asi ako moj otec! Na co mi kamoska len povedala: Ty si trupka! Vazne? Aj Vy si to myslite? No v kazdom pripade, to bolo to najblizsie ako som sa k rande vobec dostala.
Vlastne ked nad tym rozmyslam este raz, tak nie. Minuly tyzden som bola na skvelom slepom rande s Hallam Foe. Rande na slepo je akcia, ktoru organizuje Kino Aero, a to idete do kina a neviete na aky film, ale zvycajne je to nejaky filmovy skvost. No a tak som sa dostala na rande :) Takze ked budete mat chut na dobry films alebo na rande na slepo, stretneme sa nabuduce v Aere!


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