October 5, 2012

Meet my friends: Petra M

My dears, today I've decided to introduce you to my friend Petra, who is the person who stands behind the whole decision of creating a blog. Among us I call her my PR and marketing specialist and owe her big times for pushing me into this little adventure I have now with you.
But there's a lot more to tell about her and during this interview I'd like to talk about her 3 major addictions: her boyfriend, good food and yoga. Well, actually mostly about the yoga! And I am very happy and grateful that she has found some time for me even tho she is on vacation!
So please sit down, take a cup of hot tea and read :)

What do you like for breakfast?

I have to admit, that breakfast is actually the reason I wake up in the morning! Already in the evening I am thinking what am I gonna eat, so I can really look forward to it in the morning. Crazy, I know!
As I am in Lisbon this week, I’m having really untraditional breakfast for me: a pastry with salty butter (real pieces of salt!!) and nutela or cherry marmalade. And the cherry on the top is a coffee in some of the local cafes.

How did you get to yoga?

The sister of my boyfriend brought me to yoga, bikram yoga actually, and it was just recently. She is practicing yoga a lot longer and now she even went to Thailand to get the official teaching course. I wouldn’t believe that I could like it that much, as I don’t really like the routine, but it absolutely overwhelmed me! It happened that I even went 4 times a week and that’s a lot when it comes to me!

I did some research on yoga and found out that the most important is to breath and to dedicate that 1.5 hour only to yourself. What would you recommend to all the future yogins, who you might have had inspired just now?

Don’t get discourage by the heat where you practice bikram yoga. The heat is the best about it, you get the most out of yourself and you can’t feel the pain. Additionally you sweat LOADS and that’s the process of losing a weight – well, at least in my case. And the bonus in the end: all the girls who do yoga have nice flat belly and the results are coming really fast! 

Thanks for the interview <3

Moji najdrahsi citatelia, dnes som sa rozhodla, ze Vam predstavim cloveka, ktory stoji za celym pozadim vzniku tohoto blogu. Je to moja kamaratka Petra, ktoru medzi nami volam moj PR a marketingovy genius a kto ma nahovoril na toto dobrodruzstvo, ktore tu s Vami teraz prezivam.
O Petre Vam ale viem toho povedat este omnoho viac a preto som sa rozhodla, ze tento rozhovor bude v duchu jej troch zavislosti, a to su: jej priatel, dobre jedlo a yoga. Teda, vlastne to bude cele tak trochu iba o joge! Chcela by som jej tymto este raz podakovat, ze aj napriek tomu, ze je na prazdninach, nasla si cas a zodpovedala moje otazky!
Takze sa pekne usadte, uverte si dobry caj a citajte :)

Co mas rada na ranajky?

Musim sa priznat, ze ranajky su dovod preco vobec rano vstavam:) Dokonca vecer pravidelne premyslam co dobre si dam, aby som sa na rano tesila. Hrozne, ja viem! Kedze tento tyzden travim v Lisabone, netradicne ranajkujem pecivo so slanym maslom (su v nom naozaj kusy soli!!!) a nutelou alebo visnovym lekvarom a dokoncujem to dobrou kavou v niektorej z tunajsich kaviarni.

Ako si sa dostala k joge? 

K joge, konkretne bikram joge, som sa dostala len nedavno vdaka priatelovej sestre, ktora sa jej venuje uz dlho a dokonca v juni absolvovala mesacny trenersky kurz v Thajsku. Neverila som, ze by ma to mohlo bavit, kedze neznasam rutinu, ale absolutne ma to pohltilo! Az tak, ze som chodila 4-krat do tyzdna a to uz je co povedat v mojom pripade.

Ako som sa docitala, tak v joge je najdolezitejsie hlavne dychat a tu 1.5 hodinu venovat len sebe. Co by si odporucila buducim joginom, ktorych si momentalne mozno inspirovala?

Nenechajte sa odradit tym, ze sa to cvici v teple! Teplo je to najlepsie na celom cviceni, dokazete totiz zo seba vytrieskat viac a necitite bolest. Plus sa neuveritelne potite a to je sucast chudnutia, aspon v mojom pripade to tak bolo. A este bonus, joginky maju krasne rovne brucho a vysledky sa dostavuju pomerne rychlo :)

Dakujem za rozhovor <3


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