November 29, 2012

the 2nd luckiest day this year

Today is officially my second luckiest day this year! After fighting TicketMaster for more than one hour this morning I managed to get tickets for Robbie Williams: Take the Crown Tour 2013!!!
So Petra and I will be somewhere down there in the audience, creaming and singing with other 60.000 (!!!) people in Vienna next summer! 
If I am excited? Boy, can't explain! 
So we have 8 months left to learn every new song by heart and physically and mentally as well get ready for the experience of a lifetime.
Who's in with us?

Dnes je oficialne moj druhy najstastnejsi den tohto roku! Po tom, co som rano viac ako hodinu bojovala s TicketMaster a snazila sa nam zohnat listky na Robbieho Williamsa, si mozem pogratulovat, lebo su v kapse! A tak sa mozeme zacat tesit na Robbie Williams: Take the Crown Tour 2013!!!
Petra a ja budeme skandovat, spievat a tlieskat spolu s dalsimi 60.000 (!!!) fanusikmi buduce leto vo Viedni.

November 27, 2012

x-mas cards

Today was exactly one of those days when I've decided that it's a high time I picked up some x-mas cards!
Usually I try to make them on my own and personalize them for everyone close to my heart, but this time with nights longer and longer due to my studies, it's impossible. So I headed to my favorite shop, where you can get quantity and quality wrapped up in one package, not to mention economical reasons... 
So I entered Marks&Spencer and once again couldn't decide on which to take and which to leave, so went for jelly and jolly Santas, which in my opinion are SO cute.
Those ones who will receive them in your mailbox some time pretty soon, please act as you've never read this post - I don't wanna spoil you surprise!
What about you? Are you as old school as I am and still send paper x-mas cards? Or you prefer e-mails?
Let me know about new trends in mailing - haha - all ears! 

Dnesok mozeme nazvat dnom, kedy som sa uz konecne odhodlala a sla kupit vianocne pozdravy!
Zvycajne si ich sama vyrabam, ale tieto Vianoce, aj napriek tomu, ze moje noci su stale dlhsie a dlhsie, co ma za nasledok medzi inymi aj ekonomia, to jednoducho nestiham. A tak som sa rozhodla pre plan B, a sice ist pozriet co maju u Marka a Spencera! Ked skombinujem kvalitu a kvantitu, pride mi to ako najlepsie riesenie, v tomto ekonomicky narocnom case Vianoc.

November 26, 2012

dear friend

Where are you weekend? Is it too early that I want it back? It seems that this lovely afternoon with coffee and a blueberry muffin happened AGES ago and I DO MISS IT already!
I don't know where and WHY is time running so FAST, but my days are shorter and shorter, it's darker, I am replacing dinners with drinks, breakfast with cups of coffees and lunches with... actually with nothing, I still LOVE to eat lunch!

As I've already wrote here, I've spent Friday afternoon with my friend Petra. But before we went so check Christmas market, we stayed in Starbucks for a while and she brought me these lovelies:

It's a pin and a necklace and look extremely cool! And the best thing? SHE MADE IT!!!
My BIGGEST thanks to you!

November 24, 2012

first x-mas lights

First x-mas lights arrived to Prague and I was happy to discover them with my friend Petra.
Writing about x-mas today as it is 24th November, which leaves us only with 1 full month for shopping, preparation and wrapping the presents up!
Have you already started yet? Or leaving it for later on?
Share your ideas :)

Prve vianocne svetielka dorazili uz aj do Prahy a ja som mala to statie, ze mi ich ukazala moja kamoska Peta.
Specialne dnes pisem znovu o Vianociach, nakolko je 24.novembra, z coho vyplyva, ze mame presne 1 mesiac na to, aby sme vymysleli, nakupili a zabalili vianocne darceky!
Zacali ste uz s vianocnymi nakupmi? Alebo si ich odkladate na neskor?
Podelte sa o svoje dojmy a pojmy :)

November 22, 2012

23 and 1/4

It seems to me like yesterday when we were celebrating my 22 and 1/4 b-day (don't ask about this absurd tradition, I'll tell you once)!
And now, one year later, nothing much has changed. Just that I'm not with you guys anymore, not in Berlin and certainly not 22 and 1/4!!!
Am I wiser, smarter, better, crazier or maybe prettier?
Who knows, well maybe crazier - I can definitely agree on that.
Just wanted to say thank you for sharing my memories for the last year and most of all being part of them! It means a lot to me!
Last but not least I'd like to thanks my friends with who I was pancaking today. You made me one delicious 1/4 b-day. Only shame it couldn't be in Mein Haus am See ;-)
PS: Fede thanks for taking this picture!

Zda sa mi to ako by to bolo len vcera, ked som v Berline oslavovala svoje 22 a 1/4 narodeniny (to ako vznikla tato blazniva tradicia Vam poviem niekedy inokedy)!
A teraz, o rok neskor, nezda sa mi ze by sa toho az tak vela zmenilo. Akurat uz nie som v Berline, neoslavujem to s mojimi nemeckymi kamosmi a hlavne uz nemam 22 a 1/4!!!
Mozem si povedat, ze som mudrejsia, sikovnejsia, lepsia, sialenejsia alebo azda krajsia?
Asi nie - pokial sa ale nejedna o to, ci som sialenejsia, lebo to asi ano!

November 21, 2012

spot of a brother

Do you know why is it advantageous to have a sibling? 
Because you don't have to make any track of your records and acts in your life, you can see everything on your baby bro or sis. It's like looking into a mirror!
So yeah, this is me and my bro messing around with our fav "lach gummi" candies.
Blame it on the moon!
Experiencing the same?

Viete preco je vyhodne mat mladsieho surodenca?
No lebo si nemusite robit absolutne ziadne zapisky alebo denniky, kazda blbost co ste kedy urobili sa odzrkadli na vasom surodencovi, ktory zopakuje aj to posledne, a tak sa potom pozerate ako do zrkadla!

November 19, 2012

family heritage

Everyone and everything nowadays is about beanie. So I've decided to give it a try, dig in my parents wardrobe and found this! My dad's hat when he was a teen. My mum refused to let me leave the house with this on my head, but oh well it happened and I like it!
Once again my theory, that the best bargain can be done in your parents/grandparents closet happened to be true! 
What do you think?

Sype sa to zovsadial, vsetko a vsetci su dnes posadnuti s "beanie" (nevymyslela som tomuto anglickemu pomenovaniu ziadny slovensky ekvivalent, lebo by to asi musel byt fazulka, co znie velmi komicky :D).
A tak som sa znovu rozhodla vyrazit na nakupy do skrine mojich rodicov a objavit tam aj taketo skvosty. To co mam na hlave je ciapka mojho otca z cias, ked bol asi este slobodny :D
Mamka ma s nou nechcela nechat opustit nas byt, ale stalo sa a ja som si ju zamilovala.

November 18, 2012

Meet my friends: Katka

Ladies and gentlemen,
I'm happy to announce you that "meet my friends" is back!
Today I'm about to introduce you to my amazing roommate, Katka.
We know each other from high school, now studying and even living together brought our relationship a completely new perspective.
Over the cakes we discussed the power of positive thinking, what it means to get lucky and of course the food!

What do you like for breakfast?

I try to mix it, but actually I always eat the same. Either I go for white yogurt with oats, fruits and nuts. Or wholegrain bread with cheese and vegetable. I am really stereotypical when it comes to food. Probably not a big gourman. But I like to eat healthy!

As now living together, I know about you every single detail (almost), and I've seen you reading a lot about the power of positive thinking. Can you share with us some thoughts? Probably the very first could be how did you get into it?

It was thanks to my mum, who saw how I used to always just think and was up the clouds as well as how apathetic I was. I had a feeling that I am losing a control over my life and didn't believe in lots of things. Everything was connected with not: will NOT, can NOT, shall NOT,.. My mum got me the book "Power of positive living", but I started reading it maybe 2 years after. Probably as many of you, I also didn't believe that the problem is inside of me and that everything can be changed just with the change of my thinking.

And now, do you have some advices for people out there struggling with life as well? How did the positive thinking help you?

I thought that loads of my decisions in my life were bad. And so I lived in my self-constructed problem, which was only in my own head. Also solving problems connected to the future, which don't even exist yet used to occupy me.
The whole power of positive thinking is only about the believe in yourself and people around you. I read, that a man can change his/her way of life as quick as he can change the negative thought into positive one. Which means: I can, I do, I will change it!

I am happy you know the theory!

Yes, there are loads of smart books around! :D Theory is wonderful, but you can't change anything unless you believe that you can actually do it!
We become the person, who we think we are. And when we will be thinking about ourselves in negative way, we will never reach any positive change! 

Thank you for the interview!

Damy a pani,
s nesmiernym potesenim Vam mozem oznamit, ze "meet my friends" je spat!
Dnes Vam predstavim svoju skvelu spolubyvajucu, Katku.
Pozname sa uz zo strednej skoly, ale teraz od kedy spolu studujeme a hlavne byvame, nas vztah dostal uplne novu perspektivu.
Pocas vychutnavania si kolacika sme sa rozpravali o sile pozitivneho myslenia, co to znamena mat stastie a samozrejme aj o jedle!
Nech sa paci!

Co si rada das na ranajky?

V podstate to striedam, ale vlastne mam stale to iste. Bud biely jogurt, ovsene vlocky, ovocie a oriesky. Alebo celozrne pecivo so syrom a zeleninou. V jedle som dost stereotypna, asi nie som tym padom velky gurman. Ale rada jem hlavne zdravo!

November 16, 2012

the red cup

Winter has arrived to Starbucks as well and as you know me, it didn't take a long time to grab my first red cup of this season!
I went for cranberry white chocolate mocha - it was miles away from coffee but absolutely yummie for my belly:)
What about you? Did you have time to get YOUR first red cup of the season?
PS: Those teddies are adorable! (you can get them at the cash)

Zima uz dorazila aj do Starbucksu, a ako ma poznate, netrvalo dlho, aby som tam zavitala aj ja a vychutnala si svoj prvy cerveny "hrncek" sezony!

November 15, 2012

The importance of a b-day card

In a fashion world today is one of the most important days in this year, as the MMM collaboration with H&M was officially launched.
BUT in my world today is one of the most important days in this year, as my dearest friends have their b-day!
So I am wishing HAPPY BIRTHDAY to: Nik, Betka and Lucia.
And I'd like to talk to you about the importance of the b-day card, which costs almost nothing but still can bring up a huge smile on the face of the receiver.
I know nowadays it's not a hype and a lot cooler it is to send a post on each others walls on FB. But I can guarantee you that the unexpected card is the best. My grandmother is still counting her cards when she has bday and then telling us all how many she got. And I wanna live the same so in order to get something back, first I need to give!
Please, read somewhere in between the lines that in order to get something (I didn't mean b-day card particularly), we need to give first.
Remember this - Christmas is coming!

Vo svete mody je dnesok jeden z najdolezitejsich dni tohto roku, nakolko MMM v spolupraci s H&M konecne spusta svoju kolekciu do obchodov, kde sa k nej mozu dostat vsetci smrtelnici, ktori su ochotni si rano privstat.
V tom mojom svete je dnesok jednym z najdolezitejsich dni tohto roku, lebo moji namilsi maju dnes narodeniny.
Tymto by som chcela zazelat VSETKO NAJLEPSIE K NARODENINAM: Nikovi, Betke a Lucke.
A chcela by som s Vami dnes hovorit o tom, ake dolezite je posielat narodeninove pozdravy, ktore skoro nic nestoja, ale dokazu vycarit ten najkrajsi usmev na tvari toho, kto ich dostane.

November 14, 2012

eat it up!

I hope you agree with me but I think there is nothing more disgusting and asexual than seeing a girl eating a hamburger!
So that's why this post is missing faces - lol.
I can only tell you that the food in La Tavern in Prague was as awesome as my time spent with my friend Ivana. Thanks a lot for re-introducing me to this American culture, which I've been missing much (not my belly, hah)
Anyway, have a happy day and eat it all up! Food is good - right? 

Dufam, ze so mnou suhlasite, ale neexistuje asi nic viac nechutnejsie a asexualnejsie, ako ked dievca je hamburger!
Takze preto tomuto prispevku chybaju akekolvek tvare - haha.
Jedine co Vam viem povedat je, ze jedlo v La Tavern v Prahe je asi tak vynikajuce, ako bol vynikajuci cas, ktory som stravila s Ivanou, ktora mi opatovne predstavila americke jedlo, ktore mi tak trochu aj chybalo (ocividne ale nechybalo mojemu brusku :D)

November 13, 2012

bake me I am yours!

This Sunday was all about baking and crafting (which I am gonna introduce you to next time!).
Once home, I've decided I am gonna take the advantage of having an oven and opened my cupcake cookbook.
Straight way I came with the decision to bake "orange-chocolate" cupcakes/muffins (as I didn't have enough icing on top of all of them - lol)

Tato nedela bola cela o peceni a o majstrovani (, ktore Vam ukazem niekedy okolo Vianoc, na predvianocnu darcekovu inspiraciu).
Stale ked som doma, tak sa snazim vyuzit to, ze mame ruru a mozem upiect nejaky ten kolac. A tak som otvorila svoju kucharsku knizku na muffiny a nalistovala "pomarancovo-cokoladove" cupcaky/muffinky (lebo som nemala dost polevy na vsetky - haha)

Friends are the flowers in the garden of life - found those cups in the US and they were right away in my shopping basket, together with other 3 sets of colorful cups, haha. 

So what we need for those delicious cupcakes?
flour, sugar, baking powder, cocoa, dark chocolate, orange juice and skin, milk and oil

And for the icing?
cream cheese, vanilla sugar, orange skin and lemon juice

For those who also needs the whole procedure how to mix all ingredients together, don't hesitate to contact me in comment box below:)

Happy baking!


November 11, 2012

17 again?

My brother celebrated his 17th b-day this weekend! You can imagine the whole family celebration with grandmas, uncle, aunt and cousins... And my mom baked such a delicious cake!
This whole 17 again just made me think what would I do differently if I was 17 again?
Would I chose the same university? Would I go for diplomacy again? Would I end up living in Prague? Or would I go for Bratislava or Budapest instead?
Would I kiss that guy? Or just stand there and laugh as I did?
Would I manage to keep all of my friends from when I was 17? Or would I lose them quietly as it is happening now?
Are YOU also in doubts like those?
Well, whatever I did, I would do it again! Because without making those steps, sometimes mistakes sometimes successful decisions, I wouldn't be here, writing to you.
And even tho that sometimes I am thinking what would happen if I... I still hope for the best and the best is definitely now!
So if you're in doubts, please don't be. Enjoy every moment and every second - I know, sounds like a BIG cliche but believe me, years of practice actually say that it's true:)
Have a happy Sunday all!

Moj brat oslavoval 17-te narodeniny tento vikend. Vsetci pozname velke rodinne oslavy plne babiek, stryka, tety a bratrancov a sesternic - jednoznacne! Samozrejme spojene s mnamoznou tortou upecenou od mamky - ako inak?!
Cela tato oslava 17tych narodenin vo mne vyvolala vlnu otazok a reminisencii. Urobila by som nieco inak, keby som mala 17?
Vybrala by som si stale tu istu skolu? Vystudovala by som diplomaciu znovu? Zila by som teraz v Prahe? Alebo by som bola v Bratislave, pripadne v Budapesti?
Pobozkala by som ho? Alebo by som tam len stala a smiala sa znovu?
Bola by som este stale v kontakte so vsetkymi kamaratmi zo strednej, tak ako v 17tich? Alebo by sa znovu v tichosti vytracali z mojho zivota?
Mate aj VY tieto pochyby?

November 9, 2012

disaster at the hairdresser

I know, it's again Friday and there's no "meet my friends", but "meet my frustration" instead!
I went to the hairdresser. Generally I am not that type of person who complains about the result but now I can't even express how unhappy I am.
Can you actually see that something is changed? 
Because me not!
Anyway, I am sure you had to deal with problem like this at some point as well. How did you solve it?
Can you actually complaint to the hairdresser?
Or shall I just skip the mirrors until my hair gets longer?
Let me know about your experience. I would love to hear!

Viem, dnes je opat piatok a stretnutie s mojimi kamaratmi je znovu nikde, a namiesto toho je tu stretnutie s mojou frustraciou!
Bola som dnes u kadernicky. Myslim, ze tato kratka veta to vsetko zosumarizuje.
Zvycajne nie som ten clovek co sa stale po navsteve kadernicky stazuje, ale dnes neviem dostatocne skryt toto sklamanie a smutok.
Da sa vobec vidiet, ze je na mne nieco nove?

November 8, 2012

on the train

Today's post is going to be a lil bit educational. As many of my friends are always asking how does it actually look like in a sleeping compartment in a train, I've decided that I am going to show you all!
My journey from Prague to my hometown Kosice, in Slovakia, takes around 10 hours, so it's more comfortable to take a sleeping train.
Here you can see 3 beds above each other. It's like a 3-bed-bunk bed - in a way!

Dnesny prispevok bude tak trochu vzdelavaci. Vela mojich kamaratov sa ma stale pyta, ze ako to vyzera v spacom vozni vo vlaku, a tak som sa dnes rozhodla, ze Vam to ukazem rovno vsetkym!
Moja cesta z Prahy do Kosic trava asi 10 hodin, a tak je pohodnejsie ist lozkom.
Ako mozete vidiet, kupe vyzera ako keby tam bola trojita poschodova postel!

November 6, 2012

keep it simple

I was always into crafts and DIY projects. When at high school I always home-made presents for my friends for x-mas. But then at the uni as I'm running out of time even for a cup of coffee, I became a normal human and buy x-mas presents. Even tho I have to admit that sometimes I don't even buy, I just give my presence as a present (laaame!!!)
Anyway, when I am studying I need to count a lot (all the formulas and numbers, oh geee) so my table was a mess of papers and pens and pencils. But I said NO MORE! And as there is no upcoming visit to Starbucks on my schedule so I could grab a paper cup and put my pens inside, I went for plan B instead.
I used the old glass from honey, which was sitting on the shelve and decorated it with pink ribbon.
And voila - here it comes! As simple as it could and as practical as a paper cup!
Are you also crafty soul? Or rather buyer of everything? I'm all ears!
PS: Do you see in the background the postcard on the wall? It's Szent Istvan Cathedral in Budapest and I am in love with this postcard. The drawing, the colors and the object - just perfection!

Stale ma bavilo doma si nieco vyrabat, lepit a skladat. Ked som este bola na strednej skole, tak som kazde Vianoce vyrabala pre svoje kamaratky darceky. No potom na vysokej skole, ked nemam cas ani dat si normalnu kavu, tak som sa stala opat raz normalnym a obycajnym clovekom, co kupuje vianocne darceky. I ked, musim sa priznat, ze niekedy ani na tie nezvysil cas/peniaze a ja som svojich blizkych obdarovavala svojou pritomnostou :D
No ale spat k veci! Kedze teraz mam semester celkom narocny na pocitanie a vypocty a kalkulacka nestaci, potrebujem aj armacu pier a ceruziek, tak sa mi tu na stole urobil celkom chaos. Ale ja som sa mu postavila a vravim UZ NIKDY VIAC! A tak, nakolko v najblizsej dobe nemam naplanovanu cestu do Starbucksu, aby som si skonfiskovala nejaky papierovy pohar, ako som to robila po minule roky, tak som musela prist s planom B.

November 5, 2012

today's the day!

Today's the day! Oh yes, not only I've passed that freaky test I've spent the whole week preparing for (what more or less explains why I used old instagram pics I found in my phone - let's be green and recycle!), BUT what's even more important is: Robbie Williams launched new album TODAY!
So guess what am I doing just now? Oh yes, sitting here with Robbie by my side (ok, this is just a wishful thinking) but I am sitting here, writing to you and listening to him. 
So far - so good! What do you think? Are you also as BIG fan as I am? 

"We all tried to be on top of the world - somehow." -Losers-

Dnes je ten DEN! Oh ano, nie len to, ze som presla tym hroznym testom z ekonomie, na ktory som sa pripravovala cely tyzden (co viac menej vysvetluje moju absenciu na blogu a recyklaciu instagramovych fotiek, ktore som nasla dnes ked som sa prehrabavala v elektricke cestou do skoly v mobile), ALE hlavne je dnesok dolezity, lebo: Robbie Williams vydal KONECNE novy album!

November 3, 2012

Meet my friends: Csilla

Dear everyone,
Today is the day and I am about to introduce you to my dearest friend Csilla.
I know her only for a year (how absurd does it sound, when taking into consideration how close she is to me?!), we met in Berlin, when working for the same NGO and now, even tho she is Canadian with Serbian/Hunagrian roots, she is doing her PHD in lovely Budapest.
She is my inspiration when it comes to studying, sending postcards and most of all having brunches!
Please, enjoy!

What do you like for breakfast?

Depending on fruit we have at home, usually 2 different types of fruit with muesli and with milk or yogurt, which depends on if I have coffee or tea with it. When I have a tea I opt for milk and when I have a yogurt I go for a coffee. 
But today since Bastian (lovely German flatmate) have a visitor, we went for breakfast to bakery and I had a “pozsony kifli” (translation: bratislava kifli), which was a pastry with walnuts. And I thought of you :)

Today I'd like to talk with you about your passion and love for Europe. Where does it come?

In general I have a deep passion for Europe. I don’t know how I developed this passion, but during my courses at the uni and so I was always heading into this direction.
I guess that also heritage has something to do with – I am rediscovering myself in here!
And so does the European culture, history and politics, which was always appealing to me.

So why back to Budapest?

Specifically Budapest I guess, as a re-discovery of my Hungaria-ness. Obviously the university is great and my program is really good as well. In general it was a really good offer. Not forgetting to mention my family, which part is living nearby. And the proximity to you!!! Hahaha (flatteeeered)

Would you do it again?

Depends on perspective. In case of city – a thousand times YES!
But school is difficult.
I have a really good impression of people, but of course I live in the bubble, as I am constantly surrounded by foreigners at the uni. But also locals seem to be very helpful all in general.
Definitelly a plus that I speak Hungarian tho.

Köszönöm szepen for the interview!

Mili vsetci,
dnes nastal ten den D, kedy Vas zoznamujem so svojou drahou kamaratkou Csillou.
Pozname sa len rok (co znie trochu absurdne, ked vezmeme do uvahy ako sme si blizke), stretli sme sa v Berline, kde sme pracovali pre rovnaku NGO, a teraz aj napriek tomu ze je Kanadanka so srbsko-madarskymi korenmi, je momentalne studentkou PHD v Budapesti.
Je mojou inspiraciou nie len v studiu a posielani pohladnic, ale najma v ranjkovych bruncoch :)
Nech sa paci!

Co si rada das na ranajky?

Zavisi to na ovoci, ake mame doma. Zvycajne si nakrajam dva druhy ovocia s muesli a s mliekom alebo s jogurtom. To zalezi na tom, ci si dam k ranajkam kavu alebo caj. Ak je to kava, tak jem muesli s jogurtom, a ak je to caj tak si ich dam s mliekom.
Ale napriklad dnes, nakolko tu ma Bastian (velmi mily spolubyvajuci z Nemecka) navstevu, sme boli v jednej pekarni a ja som mala "pozsony kifli" (preklad: bratislavsky rozok), s vlasskymi orechami. A myslela som na Teba :)

Dnes by som s Tebou rada hovorila o Tvojej vasni pre Europu. Odkial prameni?

Vo vseobecnosti mam obrovsku vasen pre tento kontinent. Neviem ako sa to vo mne vyvinulo, ale uz od skoly vsetky moje kurzy smerovali tymto europskym smerom.
Taktiez aj dedicstvo, ktore v sebe nesiem, s tym ma nieco spolocne - znovu sa tu objavujem!
A tak isto aj europska kultura, historia a politika mi su blizke srdcu.

November 2, 2012

black & white

Yesterday we all spent at Vanda's, who just recently got married and moved to the new flat with her husband. And as he wasn't at home, we were invited to have a girl's night with dress code black&white.
I can't describe you how amazing dish Vanda cooked and how beautiful the apartment is!
In love with it - head over heels - full-stop!
PS: Sorry for no "Meet my Friends" Friday, but due to the overloads of my studies, I have to postpone it till tomorrow! Stay tuned!

Vcerajsok sme vsetci stravili u Vandy, ktora sa v septembri vydala a prestahovala uz s manzelom do noveho bytu. Ako sa hohori, ked kocur nie je doma, mysi maju hostinu! A tak aj bolo. Manzel doma nebol a my sme vyuzili tuto moznost a urobili si dievcensky vecierok na temu black and white u Vandy!
Neviem ani slovami opisat, aka uzasna je Vanda kucharka, a ako nadherne cely byt vyzeral!
Laska na prvy pohlad - oficialne!
PS: Prepacte, ze dnes nebude "meet my friends" piatok, ale kvoli mojim skolskym povinnostiam to musim odlozit na zajtra! Teste sa! 

Good bye healthy diet - welcome Lindt!

Eva was saying something superbly interesting! haha


My pretty and smart friends!