September 1, 2013

Still alive - haven't forgotten about you!

Hello there!
First of all I am terribly sorry I was so mute during the whole august. Once I got on holiday I left everything at home and had no chance to procrastinate and blog for you and me :) But luckily even thought the summer is almost over, I'll be able to fill you up with all the pictures and memories I've made!
Let's start with little piece of paradise, which I found surprisingly in Croatia. My family and our friends visited little town Mali Losinj on the island Losinj and oh my heaven on Earth! No kidding!!! The sea, the sun, the food. Just the perfect combination of everything. Although I have to admit that from the beginning we had kinda difficulties when it comes to accommodation, which included double booking - uuuups! - in the end we were all very satisfied and sad that after those 10 wonderful days we have to depart home. So here I am, offering you some snaps from this trip! Finally! 

V prvom rade by som sa chcela ospravedlnit, ze som sa skoro na cely august odmlcala. Ale ako to vsetci isto poznate, ked raz vypadneme z domu, zabudneme na vsetky male detaily a prokrastinaciu, ktoru vo vsedne dni robime. A tak som aj ja nechala pocitac doma a vykaslala sa na vsetko. Rozhodla som sa uzit si leto a pritomnost! Z tohoto dovodu Vas budem zasobovat letnymi fotkami este aj podstatnu cast septembra - aspon si predlzime leto, ktore ako sa zda, sa uz davno pobalilo a odislo.
Zacnem dovolenkou v Chorvatsku, ktora ma uprimne prekvapila. S rodinou a priatelmi sme sa vybrali do mestecka Mali Losinj, na ostrove Losinj. Pisuc tieto riadky koncom augusta, zda sa mi to poriadne davno a pri tom su to len dva tyzdne, co sme sa vratili domov. V kazdom pripade sme si to hrozne uzili. Dokonala kombinacia slnka, mora a jedla. Tak akurat zo vsetkeho! Aj napriek tomu, ze sme zo zaciatku mali iste problemy s ubytovanim, to sa rychlo vyriesilo a my sme si mohli uzit 10 dni nic nerobenia pri mori. A tak Vam tu teraz ponukam prvu varku toho, co sme zazili, videli a odfotili :) Konecne!!!

- the view over the local port -

- brother and I posing in the port -

- sea, salt, sunshine - 

- how blue is blue? -

- my fav part of the day - morning coffees -



  1. What a beautiful and peaceful place) Looks really wonderful and you are lucky to be there) Thank You for sharing such a nice post, snapshots are adorble)!
    Have a happy time!


Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts with me! x