Was cooking lunch with my lil bro today - oh my priceless. We were trying to make some proper risotto italiano. So like proper Italians, we started with opening the bottle of white wine - haha. Just kidding, it was only me drinking - he was cooking with it! I promise! Oh well, but was it delicious! And tomorrow, a baking lesson! Yummie! x
PS: Was wearing my urban outfitters red lace dress!
Dnes sme si varili obed s mojim bratom - na nezaplatenie! Snazili sme sa urobit nejake poriadne talianske rizoto. A ako poriadni Taliani sme zacali otvorenim flase bieleho vina - haha. Robim si srandu, jediny kto pil vino som bola ja, moj brat s nim len varil! Slubujem! Och ale bolo to mnam! A zajtra nas caka lekcia pecienia! Mnam! x

ta kombinacia najoriginalnejsieho nahrdelniku a cervenych siat je bombova:)
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