I don't know as you, but I LOVE getting postcards and letters and everything! It brings pleasure to my heart. This one is from Chicago, where my friends spent some lovely days last month and it took literally ages until it reached Central Europe, haha. What was the last postcard YOU got? (and the answer that the last one was for x-mas, simply doesn't count!) x
Dnes som mala postu!!! A hadajte od koho? Velke dakujem leti pre Csillu!
Neviem ako Vy, ale ja MILUJEM dostavat postu vseho druhu - pohladnice, listy, baliky a zasielky! Robi mi to neskutocne dobre na srdce :) Tuto som dostala od kamaratov, ktori sa vybrali na vylet do Chicaga minuly mesiac, ale do strednej Europy pohladnica dorazila az teraz, haha. Odkial ste dostali poslednu pohladnicu VY? (a odpoved ze posledna bola na Vianoce sa nerata!) x

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