Ladies and gentlemen, please, meet Kitty. She is one of my closest, if not the closest, friend. Dutch born, student of dentistry but most of all the queen of vintage and my eternal inspiration when it comes to style, decor and antique!
I've been mentioning her name a lot last days, partly due to my recent visit in Amsterdam and partly due to the general fact of the friendship itself.
So here is a little interview I've prepared for you. Hope you'll like it and get inspired as well :)
What do you usually have for breakfast? (this is just a warm up question for everyone ;-))
Normal? Or with you? :D I always take wholewheat bread, sometimes I toast it. Then what I really love are sprinkles - "hagelslag" or "flokken" or mix - bicolore :) But sometimes I also like the colored ones, the sugary ones, fruchthagels. Then I also like "muisjes" those made from anis. You have it in pink and white or blue and white, so when babies are born, when it's a girls it's pink and for boy blue. And normally you eat it on "schron" (correct my spelling!!!) it's little bit of brown and crunchy. Then what else? I really like cappuccino with "mountains". The mountains are fluffy and then under it's milky coffee. And sometimes I put vanilla in it. Never sugar, because you know I am dentist!
You know that I am in love with your room. What inspires you when collecting all the antique?
Well Lenka, let me tell you about it! Actually my father designed my room. (I didn't know that!!!) He has a lot of stuff, so he tells me: you can take this or this... And I am like "okeeee, give it to meee". But for the paintings I like pictures of Amsterdam. I collect them. Really old ones. And also I have dentistry things, did you see the tools on the picture? And also my grandmother contributed with her antique staff. My "Tiffany lamp". Then she also wanted to give me a Chesterfield couch, but it's brown, so my brother took it! And things I like the most about my antiques is when you go upstairs there's this big closet. I really like it!
That's antique as well? I didn't know it!
Yes, I had to take it apart into pieces and my father helped to build it up.
And also your chandelier is from granny, right?
Yes, it's crystal.
What's your favorite piece in your closet?
Something I wear the most? Did you see my long sweather with green and gold and white and black, can't say it's that comfortable, but I think it's nice.
Where is it from?
It's a Dutch designer, Daryl van Wouw. I bought it on National Glamour Day, so I had 50% discount :)) I was wearing it for my brother's graduation.
Thank you for the interview!
Damy a pani, konecne nastal ten den a ja Vas oficialne zoznamujem s Kitty. Je jedna z mojich najblizsich, ked nie najblizsia, kamaratka. Narodena v Holandsku, studentka zubariny, ale predovsetkym kralovna vintage a moja vecna inspiracia v style a byvani.
Poslednu dobu som jej meno sklonovala viackrat na tomto blogu. Z casti kvoli mojej nedavnej navsteve Amsterdamu, ale z casti len kvoli priatelstvu samotnemu.
Takze Vam tu ponukam kratky rozhovor, aby ste ju mohli lepsie spoznat aj Vy! Dufam, ze sa Vam bude pacit a tak isto sa inspirujete :)
Co mas zvycajne na ranajky?(toto je len zahrievacia otazka, pre kazdeho:))
Normalne alebo s Tebou? :D Stale mam celozrnny chlieb, niekedy si ho aj otoastujem. Co mam velmi rada su cokoladove alebo ovocne prasky (velmi typicke pre Holandsko, netusim ako sa to prelozi spravne!), bud ako cokoladove krupy alebo cokoladove vlocky, a niekedy dvojfarebne! Ale niekedy si rada dam tie farebne, ovocne - fruchthagel. A tiez mi chutia "muisjes", ktore su z anizu. Zvycajne ich ale pouzivate ked sa narodi babatko, ruzovo-biele pre dievca a modro-biele pre chlapca. Tie sa zvyknu davat na "schron" (opat neviem ako sa to pise!!!), je trochu hnedy a chrumkavy. Co este? Oh, cappuccino s kopcami! Kopceky su ako oblaciky a pod nimi je mliecna kava. A niekedy si ju robim s vanilkou. Ale nikdy nie s cukrom, lebo vies, som zubarka!
Vies ze som zamilovana do Tvojej izby. Kde beries vsetku tu inspiraciu pri zbierani antikvariatnych kuskov?
Takze Lenka... Moju izbu vlastne zariadil moj otec (o tom som fakt nevedela!!!). Ma vela veci, ved vies, takze len povie: vezmi si toto alebo toto... A ja som: jasneee, daj mi to! Co sa tyka obrazov, tak mam rada stare obrazy Amsterdamu. Zbieram ich. A tiez mam aj zubarske veci, videla si moje nastroje na obraze? A tak isto aj moja stara mama mi prispela k zbierke starych kuskov, napr. moja "tiffanyho lampa". Chcela mi dat aj Chesterfieldov gauc, ale bol hnedy a tak si ho vzal moj brat. A vec co mam najradsej na mojej zbierke, je satnik na poschodi. Ten mam fakt rada!
Vazne? Nevedela som ze aj ten je starozitnost!
Ano, musela som ho cely rozmontovat na kusky a vyniest hore a potom znovy zmontovat. Moj otec mi s tym pomohol.
A tak isto aj Tvoj luster je od starej mamy, ze?
Ano, je to krystal.
Posledna otazka. Co je Tvoja najoblubenejsia vec v satniku?
Myslis, co najcastejsie nosim? Videla si moj dlhy sveter, ktory je zeleno-zlato-bielo-cierny? Nie zeby bol taky pohodlny, ale mam ho rada.
Este raz od koho je?
Daryl van Wouw, je to holansky navrhar. Kupila som ho na National Glamour Day, takze som ho mala s 50% zlavou :))
jeeeej to je super, celá Kitty:) strasne sa mi paci slovensky preklad! predstavujem si ju, ako to hovori:D
ReplyDeleteDakujem! Bolo to hlavne kopec srandy ked sme to interview robili na ceste v autobuse smerom na letisko o osmej rano :D