When you're studying, you need to, firstly, make yourself motivated and secondly: keep yourself motivated! You probably don't know that this semester is gonna be in the name of China for me. I've decided to have Chinese Studies as my minor and according to this I picked up my highlighters.
How do you like my baby pandas? I'm in love with them. Possibly the cutest thing ever. Found it actually in Utrecht in the station shop - how random?! haha
So I hope that my pandas will bring me luck and I'll pass this semester on China successfully and afterwards will be able to visit real pandas - in their natural surrounding in China! Wish me luck!
Ked studujete, potrebujete sa v prvom rade nejako motivovat a v hned v druhom rade, nejako si tu motivaciu priebezne udrzat! Pravdepodobne vacsina z Vas nevie, ze som sa tento semester rozhodla ako svoju vedlajsiu specializaciu studovat cinske studia (nie je to cinstina!!!). A nasledne som si k tomu doladila aj zvyraznovacky!
Ako sa Vam pacia moje male pandy? Uplne ich milujem - celkom mozne, ze su asi najrozkosnejsou vecou aku som v papiernictve poslednu dobu kupila. A nasli sme ich uplne nahodou v Utrechte na stanici!?
Takze dufam, ze mi prinesu stastie, a ze uspesne absolvujem semester o Cine a hlavne nech sa potom za tymi skutocnymi pandami vydam na navstevu - do ich prirodzeneho prostredia! Drzte mi palce!
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