So it's October - let's go auf der Wiese! Oktoberfest is probably the most famous autumn celebration (oh well, probably after Halloween, or so...). But still, it's pretty good!
No worries, I didn't teleported myself to the capital of Bavaria. Those pictures are 2 years old when I visited Oktoberfest for the first (and for now also the last) time.
What stayed in my memory from that day is, that it was raining, the sky was grey and that I felt blue. It was the very first time in my life when I was missing my family and friends. But thanks to my dearest Zizu I managed just fine. And now only wishing I could turn back the time and do it all over again - to enjoy more and of course to drink more - haha.
What about you? Do you have situations you wanna turn back in time? All ears!!!
A je tu oktober - podme na Wiese! Oktoberfest je asi najznamejsi jesenny "sviatok" (teda hned po Halloweene a v nasich koncinach asi aj po Vsech Svatych). Ale aj tak, stale je dost popularny!
Nemusite sa obavat, neteleportovala som sa do hlavneho mesta Bavorska - ani omylom! Tieto fotky maju asi dva roky, ked som navstivila Oktoberfest po prvy- (a doposial aj posledny) -krat.
To co mi z toho vyletu utkvelo v pamati je, ze silno prsalo, obloha bola siva a ja som sa citila nejako podobne. Bolo to po prvykrat, co mi chybala rodina a kamarati - a poviem Vam, nie je to dobry pocit. Ale vdaka uzasnej Zizu som to vsetko zvladla a dnes si len zelam, aby sme mohli vratit cas a ist tam znovu a ja by som si to uzila viac a aj viac pila - haha.
A co Vy? Nastali vo Vasom zivote situacie, ktore by ste chceli vratit spat? Podelte sa, som same usi!

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