November 15, 2012

The importance of a b-day card

In a fashion world today is one of the most important days in this year, as the MMM collaboration with H&M was officially launched.
BUT in my world today is one of the most important days in this year, as my dearest friends have their b-day!
So I am wishing HAPPY BIRTHDAY to: Nik, Betka and Lucia.
And I'd like to talk to you about the importance of the b-day card, which costs almost nothing but still can bring up a huge smile on the face of the receiver.
I know nowadays it's not a hype and a lot cooler it is to send a post on each others walls on FB. But I can guarantee you that the unexpected card is the best. My grandmother is still counting her cards when she has bday and then telling us all how many she got. And I wanna live the same so in order to get something back, first I need to give!
Please, read somewhere in between the lines that in order to get something (I didn't mean b-day card particularly), we need to give first.
Remember this - Christmas is coming!

Vo svete mody je dnesok jeden z najdolezitejsich dni tohto roku, nakolko MMM v spolupraci s H&M konecne spusta svoju kolekciu do obchodov, kde sa k nej mozu dostat vsetci smrtelnici, ktori su ochotni si rano privstat.
V tom mojom svete je dnesok jednym z najdolezitejsich dni tohto roku, lebo moji namilsi maju dnes narodeniny.
Tymto by som chcela zazelat VSETKO NAJLEPSIE K NARODENINAM: Nikovi, Betke a Lucke.
A chcela by som s Vami dnes hovorit o tom, ake dolezite je posielat narodeninove pozdravy, ktore skoro nic nestoja, ale dokazu vycarit ten najkrajsi usmev na tvari toho, kto ich dostane.
Velmi dobre viem, ze v dnesnej dobe sa uz papierove pozdravy nenosia a omnoho coolovejsie je nechat len nejaky odkaz na FB. Ale viem Vam garantovat, ze neocakavana karta je ta najkrajsia!
Moja babka si stale pocita, kolko dostala na narodeniny pozdravov, a potom sa nam vsetkym chvali. A ja chcem presne toto vsetko! Ale na to, aby som nieco dostala, najprv musim dat - to znamena najprv musim posielat pozdravy ja.
Prosim, dufam ze ste niekde medzi tymito riadkami nasli to skryte posolstvo, ze najprv musime davat, aby sme mohli dostavat (nemyslela som tym len tie pohladnice)
Pamatajte na to - idu Vianoce!

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Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts with me! x