When I've got time, I like to craft presents for my friends. Not that I have some time left now, but I managed to squeeze it in - somehow.
And so far, my friend Csilla already received the package where I carefully packed this cow, I can reveal it here as well!
Ked mam cas, tak rada majstrujem darceky pre mojich kamaratov. Nie zeby som mala cas teraz, ale nejak sa mi ho podarilo vtlacit medzi tie skusky a testy, co ma cakaju.
A nakolko Csilla uz dostala balicek, kde som jej tuto kravu opatrne zabalila, myslim, ze ju teda mozem zverejnit aj na blogu:)
Honestly, it's no big deal. I just bought a cow for milk in the shop and decided to personalize it a lil bit. So I bought colors for porcelain and got started. The aim was to make a christmas cow, but my mum calls it rather a Hungarian national cow - due to the colors, I guess :D
Ziadnu vedu za tym nehladajte. V obchode som kupila kravicku na mlieko, a rozhodla som sa ju personalizovat a urobit z nej vianocnu kravu. S pomocou fixiek na porcelan to slo velmi lahko, i ked mamka vyhlasila, ze vyzera skor ako madarska narodna krava :D
Yep, yep, me being super concentrated on my job!

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