You won't believe what happened! I was featured in The Conversation - one of the most inspirational feminine online pages I know and follow!
I submitted my text in September and just yesterday discovered that it was online. I cannot explain enough how happy I was and still am.
I wrote about my friend Kitty, who I've introduced to you here and how she inspires me in almost every single way.
Please, click and check for yourself and let me know what you think!
Have a happy Friday!
Neuverite co sa stalo, lebo ani ja tomu z casti neverim! Ale moj clanok o Kitty bol publikovany na The Conversation - co je jeden z najinspirativnejsich zenskych online portalov, ake poznam, a ktore svedomito sledujem.
Svoj clanok som do projektu "I admire" poslala uz v septembri, ale uverejnili ho len vcera - konecne! Neviem ani opisat a vysvetlit, ako ma to nadchlo, ale ved ti, ktori ma poznate osobne si to asi celkom isto viete predstavit, ze?
Pisala som o Kitty, ktoru som Vam TU uz predstavila, a ktora ma inspiruje skoro vsetkym co robi.
Takze, ak mate chut a cas, kliknite si a precitajte, a potom dajte vediet co si myslite!
Zelam stastny a vesely piatok!

Congratsss girl x)
BIG thank you! x
DeleteThe biggest congratulations for you Lenka dear!!!!!!! :)
ReplyDeleteThank you lovely! It really does bring pleasure to my heart :))
DeleteWhat an amazing feature, congratulations! :)
Thank you, Sabrina! :)