I love love love dining with my girls!
Even tho this time, few of us were missing - we still had a pretty good time.
Thai food is always the best - so if you accidentally happen to be in Prague and you'll crave some - go to Neb.O and they will serve you the best.
Zo vsetkeho najradsej mam nase vecere s dievcatami zo skoly!
Tie su stale nie len naj naj naj mnam, ale aj naj naj naj fun! (ok - to aby sa rymovalo :)
Aj napriek tomu, ze tento vecer nam niektore chybali, este stale sme sa mali viac ako fajn!
Najlepsie je stale dat si thajske jedlo - a tak, ak by ste niekedy boli v Prahe a mali velku chut dat si nieco mnam, tak Vas mile rada doporucim do Neb.O, kde Vas obsluzia na jednotku!
And again I had the same as always...

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