Yes yes yes - summer was almost here, but then it started raining and it got colder and now we are all stuck at home with big cups of warm tea and pile of movies to watch. Not bad as well, but after such a nice summer day, it's still frustrating!
So I had this amazing afternoon with my beautiful friend Adela, with who I should really make an interview sooner or later, so you all will get to know her better :)
We spent it in a nice and cozy cafe place, which I should also report to you, 'cos it is worth stopping by once you're in Prague.
Anyway, the magnolias were almost in blossom, but now I just hope they won't freeze! Aw everything is just much more beautiful in summer - come back here, I beg you!
Have a fab weekend!
Ano ano ano - skoro sme tu mali leto, ale zo zasady musi zacat prsat a vsetko to pokazit. Takze kedze je teraz menej ako 10 stupnov, tak vsetci sedime doma s velkou salkou tepleho caju a vyberame filmy, ktore si pozrieme cez uprsane poobedie. Jasne, ani to nie je tak zle, ale po tak krasnom dni, je to frustrujuce!
Takze ale spat k teme! Vo stvrtok som mala tento krasny den s Adelou, ktora je nie len krasna, ale aj velmi sikovna, a ano, mala by som Vam ju predstavit v nejakom najblizsom rozhovore, aby ste sa aj Vy dozvedeli o nej viac :)
V kazdom pripade sme poobedie stravili na Vinohradoch, v utulnej kaviarni, o ktorej tak isto coskoro napisem - slubujem, lebo by bola skoda, aby ostala zapadnuta v bocnych ulickach.
Ako vidite, dokonca aj magnolie uz boli v rozpuku - a teraz sa len modlim, aby nahodou nezmrzli alebo ich nestrepal dolu dazd. Leto, prosim pod uz spat!!
Vsetkym inak krasny vikend!
And the cherry on the top! Yes, it was 29 degrees :)
A ceresnicka na zaver - ano, bolo presne 29 stupnov, stazovat sa naozaj nemozno!

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