Hlasim sa spat!
Ziva a zdrava a plna endorfinov zo zazitku storocia. Na dobre sa oplati cakat, a tak aj ja som statocne cakala najprv tych 10 rokov, od kedy som na videu videla koncert z Knebworthu, a potom tych 8 hodin uz vo Viendi minulu stredu, kedy sme uz boli na stadione a snazili sa dostat co najblizsie k podiu. A veru sme sa aj dostali. Teda nie uplne do zlateho sektoru, ale viac menej celkom blizko, takze som pre Vas dokazala zachytit ocami fotaku aj taketo fotky, ktore si teraz pozerate. Niektore su lepsie, ine zas horsie, a niektore celkom zle, ale hlavna vec ze to, co mam odfotene do pamate mi nikto nevezme. Skoda len, ze som sa na to podium nedostala. Skoda preskoda :D
Hey sweets!
First of all, sorry for keeping you waiting during the whole last week. But finally I settled once again home, went through all of the pictures taken just recently and found the best ones for you.
Here it is. My long-awaited date with Robbie Williams. My fav Brit ever since I was let's say 13 years old - LOL.
Anyway, last week my friends and I made it to Vienna to experience for the first time something, what we were dreaming of for so long. And here is how the whole adventure and 8 hours of waiting fully begun:
The Prater Krieau Stadium at 4pm. People were already in, warming up their spots.
Stadion Prater Krieau sa uz od 4tej zacal pomaly zaplnat ludmi.
Pictures for our photo album / Fotky do albumu:
65 000 people...
Some pics of Robbie are better some worse and some completely bad. But still better than nothing!
Firework, while Angels was on. / Zaverecny ohnostroj, kym sme pocuvali Angels.
And here it is. Empty once again. Took less than 15 mins to empty the stadium.
Stadion sa vyprazdnil do 15 minut. Cely.

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