I've been trying to find some good reasons why is it good to spend Saturdays on two wheels. Oh Saturdays! My papa and bro are fanatics into cycling and they are trying to persuade the whole family that that enormous pain is worth it. As it is wasn't enough when we were constantly watching Tour de France on tv, now we have to practice it. And here we were last weekend doing our best. What is your fav activity for the weekend? Two wheels or no wheels?
Snazila som sa najst zopar spravnych dovodov, preco je bicyklovanie skvele, a preco sa oplati prebicyklovat celu sobotu. Keby len sobotu...! Polovica mojej rodiny (mozete hadat kto) je uplne blazniva do cyklistiky. Ale co ja a mama? Ako keby nebolo dost, ze sme konstantne pocas troch tyzdnov museli pozerat Tour de France, teraz ho musime aj praktizovat! A tak sme sa minuly tyzden vybrali na Silicku planinu a snazili sa dusu vypustit. Dobicyklovali sme! A co vy? Co je vasa oblubena aktivita na vikend? Na dvoch kolesach alebo na ziadnom?
Always nice to have a day to exercise and relax in a week! I love cycling too, especially with family and friends! :D
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with love, Cassandra xx
Fully agree! It's the perfect combination when you can do a lil bit sport together with your friends! Gives it a lot different perspective :))))