This time she visited me in Prague! Slowly, really slowly, she's getting to know all the places, people and cakes which I adore. Not only in Prague where I study, work and live but also in Slovakia, where she visited me last summer to check on my brother and parents. Sweet.
We spent 4 full days together which felt like 4 weeks. We got ordered pear shots in a restaurant by elderly guys, we watched Friends and laughed out loud on a whole bus on our way from the trip to Cesky Krumlov, we ate zillion of cakes, drunk liters of coffee, dance in the rain, talked, laughed, smiled. All the things one do with her best friend, right?
Kitty hates this photo but I love it so much - how she is holding tightly to me as if afraid that I am gonna disappear and leave her in Cesky Krumlov by her own :)
Thanks to Radka we managed two in one - one day and two trips - Hluboka Castle.
With my girls getting ready to go out on Saturday night as well as having brunch afterwards on Sunday morning!
Aaaand getting crazy and acting silly in a zoo!
It wouldn't be a Prague visit without a tour to the castle - this time with Starbucks as a sweet reward!
Thank you Kitty and all of my girls for coming and being with us! It means a lot to me and I hope we'll keep on doing it more and more often!!! Always welcome <3
And how about you guys out there - do you like having visitors in your city? What do you enjoy doing when you have a friend staying with you? Share and inspire me!
Lenka, xxx