Good mooorning!!! Do you know what's the best about the morning? That there's a breakfast!!! Obviously! If we were in Berlin I would be preparing for some fancy Sunday brunch in some garden, BUT we are not in Berlin anymore, so the provisional solution must be enough - right? As I've already talked about the PIP, now it's time to introduce the Blond Amsterdam, which is one of the most girlie things I have ever seen and which makes me always happy when I enter the store! So yeah, if you feel like bringing me a souvenir from the Netherlands - at least you got inspired! haha
Happy Sunday! x
Dobre raaano!!! Viete co je najlepsie na tom ze je rano? Ze su tu ranajky!!! Samozrejme! Kedy sme boli v Berline, tak by som sa zrovna chystala na nejaky brunch v letnej zahradke, ale nakolko uz nie sme v Berline, musi mi postacit toto provizorne riesenie, haha!
Ako som uz hovorila o PIP, tak teraz je cas na to, aby som predstavila Blond Amsterdam, co je asi najviac dievcenstejsia vecicka, s akou som sa stretla! Takze ano, ak by ste mi chceli niekto doniest suvenir z Holandska - aspon som Vas touto postou jednoznacne inspirovala! haha
Krasnu nedelu! x

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