pineapple and bag - aldo / necklace and a shirt - h&m |
You know the feeling when you’re in the changing room, mirrors everywhere, not
sure whether to buy or not to buy and then suddenly they start to play your
favorite song and you take it as a sign: buy!
So yeah, I was in a changing room yesterday and they were playing Foster the People, and THAT was my sign to buy! x
So yeah, I was in a changing room yesterday and they were playing Foster the People, and THAT was my sign to buy! x
Poznate ten pocit zo skusobnej kabinky, z kazdej strany zrkadlo, nie ste si isty, ci kupit alebo nekupit a potom uplne z cista jasna sa ozve z radia Vasa oblubena pesnicka a TO je znamenie, na ktore ste cakali, s ktorym vam nepomoze ani najlepsia kamoska (ktora, podotykam, je v tej kabinke s vami!!!). A tak ako som (sme) vcera boli v tej kabinke a ja som skusala asi milion veci, tak zrazu zacali hrat Foster the People a uz bolo rozhodnute! x

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