It’s not that I am being sad or something. I just always
think of this song by Robbie Williams when someone says coffee and tea. Haha,
really stupid, I know!
Anyway, I was planning to dedicate this post to my friend
who once gave me this Kerouac book
(actually I think he only borrowed it to me and then I simply kept it like for forever) thanks to who I can play it intellectual anytime I read it in a café while sipping a coffee (unless I go for a movie with the book in my bag and watch American Reunion, when my pseudo-intellectual ego just drops in at least 20 points!). x
(actually I think he only borrowed it to me and then I simply kept it like for forever) thanks to who I can play it intellectual anytime I read it in a café while sipping a coffee (unless I go for a movie with the book in my bag and watch American Reunion, when my pseudo-intellectual ego just drops in at least 20 points!). x
Nie zeby som bola v nejakej reminisencnej nalade alebo nieco, len stale ked niekto spomenie kavu a caj napadne mi tato pesnicka od Robbieho Williamsa. Ano, viem, vysoko stupidne, haha!
V kazdom pripade by som chcela tento post venovat kamaratovi od ktoreho som dostala tuto Kerouacovu knihu (teda vlastne, ktory mi ju asi len pozical a ja som si ju nechala navzdy!). Vdaka tejto knihe to viem stale zahrat intelektualsky hoci kde sa nachadzam (teda ak zrovna nejdeme s dievcatami do kina na Americku stretavku, kedy moje pseudo-intelektualske ego poklesne tak o 20 bodov!). x

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