Oh myyy, today's morning started with the most yummious croissant so far! The big one with almonds on it! Yaay! Basically we went on one of the farm markets here in Prague. In the pictures you can see everything what we have seen and tried. And I have a home made yogurt in the fridge so i have to rush now, haha. What have you been up to? x
Oh and guys, don't forget to join the site!!! Will make me feel better that the number of readers is increasing! BIG thanks!
Oh myyy, dnes som mala asi najlepsi croissant za poslednu dobu! Krasny, velky a s mandlami na vrchu! Mnam! Prakticky sme sa dnes rano ocitli na farmarskom trhu tu v Prahe na Jiriho z Podebrad. Na obrazkoch uvidite vsetko co sme videli a ochutnali! Jednoznacne odporucam privstat si v sobotu ;-) Ale teraz uz musim ist, lebo ma caka v chladnicke domaci cucoriedkovy jogurt!
Co ste robili zatial Vy? x
Nezabudnite na "join the blog", prosim! Budem sa citit lepsie, ked mi bude mnozstvo citatelov len narastat :D VELKE dakujem!

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