Viete co je najlepsie na tom byt doma? No predsa ranna kava! Ano, znie to blaznivo a obycajne zaroven, ale ked musis tak musis :)
Also when speaking of food and breakfast (again!!!) I wanted to share with you my very first hummus I made on my own! Proud of me!! I had it for breakfast with tomato and red onion - the best combination which I've learned in Berlin, where's the best hummus restaurant in the world / Zula in Prenzlauer Berg / Stop by if you have time! x
Ked uz hovorime o jedle a ranajkach (opat raz!!!), tak sa este musim pochvalit ako som urobila svoj prvy hummus v zivote! A ani to nebolelo! Som na seba hrda! Mala som ho na ranajky s paradajkou a cervenou cibulou, ako som sa to naucila v jednej restauracii v Berline / Zula v Prenzlauer Berg / Musite sa zastavit, ked raz pojdete okolo! Stoji to za to! x

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