I promise you, this is one of the last food post I am doing!!! But it's so tempting, when being at home and the kitchen is available 24/7! Yaaay - excitement! So yesterday I was baking teddy bear pancakes for my brother. I got this pan for x-mas from my very good friend - thanks a lot once again, Lucka! x
Slubujem, ze toto je jeden z poslednych postov o jedle, ktore tu na teraz davam. Ale nemozem jednoducho odolat, ked doma je kuchyna k dispozicii 24/7! Takze som vcera piekla macikove palacinky pre mojeho brata. Tuto panvicku som dostala od svojej velmi dobrej kamosky na Vianoce - este raz dakujem, Lucka! x
With little cream and chocolate we made a panda bear! |
Silly me! |

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