...that's how the song goes. It's hard to believe that just in the morning Kitty and I were having fresh at the beach, while now writing this post, it's super raining back home. Tragedyyy! Hopefully the weekend will get better and I will be able to show off my tan (haha, I'm always using sun block 50, so basically no chance to catch some sun rays, but you never know...).
Oh and my biggest thanks is for Miguel, for being such a wonderful host! x
Je pre mna tazko uveritelne, ze este dnes rano sme sa Kitty a ja opalovali na plazi a teraz tento prispevok pisem z uprsanej Prahy. Tragedia! Pevne vsak verim, ze vikend sa vylepsi a ja budem mat moznost predviest svoje opalenie, aj napriek tomu, ze stale pouzivam ochranny faktor 50 :D jeden ale nikdy nevie kedy tie slnecne luce preniknu...
A na zaver, moje velke dakujem pre Miguela, ktory bol senzacny hostitel! x
Dutch Vogue to keep us inspired! |
Belly man in the background! |
My beautiful model. |
xxx |

Really cool pics! You guys must had had such a fun there!!!