Being on holidays one of the most important essentials for me is the FOOD!
And how could we resist delicious paella and sangria in Spain? Especially in Barcelona, which offers to it's tourists plenty of yummie dishes.
As said in the title of this post, this was officially my second encounter with the sea fruits. The first one was as well with Kitty and Miguel but in The Hague, a lil bit different climate but still the same delicious!
Bon appetito! x
Ked som na prazdninach, jedna z najdolezitejsich veci pre mna je ochutnat miestu kuchynu! A ako sme len mohli odolat paelle a sangrii v Spanielsku? Specialne v Barcelone, ktora svojim turistom ponuka milion mnamoznych mnamiek :)
Ako som uz naznacila v nazve tohoto prispevku, je to pre mna druhykrat co sa stretavam s morskymi plodmi (ano, zijem asi 100 rokov za opicami!). Tak isto ako minule tak aj tentokrat s Kitty a Miguelom, tentokrat ale nie v Haagu.
Dobru chut! x

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