But what I would like to talk about are all those little things which make your day just brighter and better. Could be just a smile from the stranger, or when someone opens door for you or as it happened to me yesterday at Starbucks, when outside was really cold, they wrote on my cup: To warm up your day! Which was just super sweet - thank you again!
So what I am trying to say is, please, don't forget to do those tiny tiny things, they cost you no effort but can mean the fortune for the other person.
Never stop smiling! x
Dnes by som chcela hovorit o vsetkych tych drobnostiach, ktore nam rozjasnuju den a robia ho lepsim. Moze to byt len usmev od okoloiduceho, alebo ked nam niekto otvori alebo podrzi dvere alebo ako sa to stalo mne vcera v Starbuckse, ked bolo vonku fakt zima, tak mi napisali na pohar: Pre teplejsi den! Co bolo hrozne mile - dakujem este raz!
Takze co sa Vam tu tymto snazim povedat je, ze prosim, nezabudajme na tieto malickosti. Nic nas to nestoji, aby sme sa usmiali na druheho a pre neho to moze znamenat cely svet.
Nikdy na to nezabudnite! x

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