The picture here is from celebrating their success right the other day. I'm sure you don't wanna know what happened the day after, basically we were all dead, haha.
But for now I am gonna leave you with some words of wisdom. Never forget how important it is to say people you care and love them. It's always necessary! (If not parents, books will teach you this - so read more in order to feel more!) Keep this in mind! x
A ide sa blahozelat! Lucka a Petra nam uspesne zostatnicovali, takze velky potlesk pre moje dievcata!
Fotka je z vecera, keby sme oslavovali statnice. Som si ista, ze nechcete vediet o tom, so sa dialo den potom, iste je len to, ze sme vsetky boli polomrtve, haha.
Na teraz Vas ale necham s trochou mudrosti na zamyslenie, co je na piatkovy vecer priam idealne. Nikdy nezabudnite na to, ake je dolezite povedat ludom, na ktorych Vam zalezi, ze ste tu pre nich, a ze ich mate uprimne radi. Je to nevyhnutne - vzdy! (Ak Vas to nenaucili rodicia uz od mala, tak potom su tu knihy - citajte, aby ste viac precitli - vrelo odporucam!) Pamatajte na to! x

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