June 10, 2012

On the hill

We have spent today on the hill, called Tibidabo. There's the astonishing view over the city, beautiful church and if you really need some fun - also the theme park, which we didn't try, 'cos we had loads of fun just by ourselves - being once again together! It's like everything's as it should be!
Have a happy Sunday and successful Monday! Kitty and I are about to go shopping tomorrow :)

Dnesok sme stravili na hore, ktora sa vola Tibidabo. Je z nej ocarujuci vyhlad na mesto, prekrasny kostol a keby sme velmi chceli, tak aj zabavny park, ktory sme ale neskusili, lebo sme si celkom dobre vystacili aj sami so sebou - nakolko sme boli zas a znovu vsetci traja pospolu! Vsetko je skratka tak ako ma byt!
Zelam Vam vsetkym este pokojnu nedelu a uspesny pondelok! Kitty a ja sa vydavame zajtra na nakupy :)

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