Hola guapos buenos, I made it safely to Spain, for the very first time in my life. After watching yesterday for the very last minute Vicky Christina Barcelona to get motivated, I can confess now, that the city is overwhelming! Seriously, maybe it's because of the lucrative location in the city center right next to the Sagrada Familia, or due to our amazing host Miguel, but all in all after the first day, I am impressed! Here I offer some snaps I took during the walk in the city.
Have you ever been here? Any tips and tricks what to try? Let me know! Besos! x
Hola guapos buenos, stastlivo sa hlasim zo Spanielska, kde som sa ocitla po prvy raz v zivote. Po tom co som si vcera velmi na rychlo pozrela Vicky Christina Barcelona, aby som sa motivovala a inspirovala, tak sa musim priznat, ze toto mesto ma prevalcovalo na plnej ciare! Uplne vazne, neviem ci to je tou lukrativnou polohou priamo v centre mesta, alebo nasim uzasnym hostitelom Miguelom, ale toto mesto ma jednoznacne nieco do seba. Posielam zopar fotiek co som urobila na kratkej obhliadke mesta. Boli ste tu uz niekedy? Nejaky tipy a triky, co si pozriet? Dajte vediet! Besos! x
Park in front of Sagrada Familia |
Etiene and Eugene for the first time on Spanish ground! |
One of the famous Gaudi's Houses. |
Kids playing with pigeons - where were their parents?? Horrible! |
At the ATM with the video. |
The best waffles in the town. |
Arch de Triumph |

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