I don't know if it's the quantity of green tea or coffee I am drinking recently or just a general state before the exams, but pretty pretty please, I need to get some sleep!
But doesn't it sound just romantic when some one dream of you? I am once again in the middle of my decision process, as should I get some sleep or should someone continue to dream with me?
What's your story behind the sleepless nights (in Seattle, haha)? x
Hovori sa, ze ked nevieme zaspat v noci, je to kvoli tomu, ze sa niekomu snivame.
Neviem ci je to tym mnozstvom zeleneho caju alebo kavy, ktorym sa dopujem, alebo len klasicky stav pred skuskami, ale uz vazne by som sa rada vyspala.
Aj ked na druhu stranu, neznie to romanticky, ked sa niekomu snivam? :D Takze zas a znovu sa neviem rozhodnut, ci sa mam konecne vyspat alebo sa nechat niekomu snivat?
Ako je to s Vami a nocami, kedy nie a nie zazmurit oci? x

Jeeej, nikdy som o tom takto nepremyslala! ale kedze spim vzdy ako buk, asi sa proste nikomu nesnivam:(
ReplyDeleteTy sa snivat nemusis, Ty zijes svoj sen :)