As I've already told you I've spent my b-day in Budapest with my dearest friends. I don't know what it is about the city, which makes me coming back again and again. There must be some special hidden magnet 'cos every time when I'm on a train back home, I am thinking and overthinking the idea of moving in permanently at least for a year.
But now when Csilla and Nora are there this dream might actually come true very easily and very soon! Let's wait and see.
I am presenting you now some pictures we took on our strolls around the town and also from party in Szimpla, which became our favorite place after visiting it over and over again in Berlin.
Have you ever been to Budapest? Do we share the passion, haha?
Ako som Vam uz povedala, svoje narodeniny som stravila v Budapesti so svojimi drahymi kamaratmi. Neviem cim to je, ale toto mesto ma stale taha spat. Zakazkym ked som vo vlaku spat domov, tak rozmyslam nad tym, ci by som nemala prist na trvalo a vyskusat byvat tu aspon na rok.
Teraz ked Csilla a Nora budu v meste, tak sa tato "fantasmagoria" mozno aj coskoro stane skutocnostou. Ktovie? Pockame si a uvidime :)
Posielam tu aj nejake fotky, co sme nafotili po potulkach mestom a v Szimple, kde sme stravili par reminisencnych chvil, nakolko v Berline to bolo nase oblubene miesto.
Zdiela aj niekto iny tuto moju zalubu v Budapesti? Alebo som v tomto kompletne sama, haha!?

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