Directly or indirectly I've realized that this week is about to be dedicated to love. Exactly as the last one was dedicated to the Netherlands, this one is about love. And stay tuned for the my Friday highlight interview with one of my friends who really inspires me when it comes to this :)
Anyway, I've just found out that I still haven't posted any pictures from the wedding, my friends and I attended 2 weeks ago. So here they are, 'cos what's bigger and better to celebrate love if not the wedding itself?
Ci uz priamo alebo nepriamo, nejako sme sa tento tyzden dostali k teme laska. A prave tak ako som minuly tyzden venovala Holandsku, tak tento venujem prave laske. Hlavne sa mate na co tesit, co sa tyka mojeho piatkoveho rozhovoru. Chystam sa Vam predstavit kamaratku, ktora ma specialne v tejto oblasti velmi inspiruje :)
V kazdom pripade, len dnes som si uvedomila, ze som tu vlastne vobec nedala fotky zo svadby, na ktoru sme s mojimi kamaratkami boli pozvane pred dvomi tyzdnami. A kedze je temou dnesneho tyzdna uz tolkokrat spominana laska, ako je mozne ju oslavit lepsie ak nie samotnou svadbou?

wow, vyzerame dobre! :)
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