... and I don't know why (yeah, if only we were in one of the keane's songs). But we're in reality and need to accept that everything is changing. My classmates are getting married, people are graduating, looking for job, having business meetings. And also the cities, there are new tram stops, new street names. Oh well, I guess it all comes with September and the new beginning of school year.
This picture is on the wall where I used to walk just in June and there were tanks all over it. Look now, it's changed! Let's welcome new change as a challenge! Who's in with me?
Vsetko sa meni, ...a ja neviem preco (tak by sme to mohli nejako zakoncit, keby sme boli v pesnicke od Keane). Ale nakolko my sme v realite, musime jednoducho zmeny akceptovat. Moji spoluziaci sa zenia a vydavaju, ini statnicuju a promuju a hladaju si pracu, chodia na pracovne schodzky a nakupuju kostymceky do prace. A tak isto ako ludia, menia sa aj mesta, ulice maju nove mena, zastavky elektricky sa volaju inak... Co uz, asi je to len nejaky ten septembrovy syndrom noveho skolskeho roku.
Tato fotka je z ulice, kde som sa prechadzala este v juni a boli na nej namalovane zelene tanky. A pozrite sa teraz?! Zmena! Takze podme privitat novu zmenu ako vyzvu k niecomu lepsiemu! Kto je so mnou v tejto hre?

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