I snapped these pictures during the Friday evening from the window of my room. And I simply had to share them with you, 'cos I think they are absolutely mesmerizing! Like seriously, when was the last time you've seen something like that and it wasn't the sunset on the beach in Italy or Greece? Where those cliches happen on a daily basis - I assume - or so my experience says.
What are YOU seeing from your window? Because I had to turn my desk, facing not the window but the wall, as I wasn't able to concentrate at all :D
Tieto fotky sa mi podarilo odfotit v piatok vecer z okna nasej izby. A jednoducho Vam ich musim ukazat, lebo podla mna su jednoducho uzasne! Ako vazne, kedy ste naposledy videli nieco tak pekne a nebol to zapad slnka v nejakej juho-europskej krajine ako je Taliansko alebo Grecko? Kde sa taketo klise oblohy stavaju na dennom poriadku - teda predpokladam, lebo tak tomu nasvedcuju moje skusenosti.
Co vidite z okna Vy? Lebo ja som si musela moj stol otocit k stene, aby som vecne nehadzala nepritomne pohlady von z okna a mohla sa sustredit na to co robim :D
Super glad to hear it - thanks a lot! Already looking at your page - looks very cool! x