I've decided to introduce you to my friend Lubi, who I was already speaking about last Sunday. She is my classmate at the university and together we share passion not only for a good food and drinks but also tennis, international relations and guys.
And that's the topic I'd like to discuss with her now. She is my eternal inspiration when it comes to guys, love and relationship - optimist in each and every single way!
What do you like for breakfast?
I like oatmeal, but there's never enough time in the morning for me to prepare it. So nowadays I only have a yogurt from the company's canteen.
But when you have time, what you really like to have for breakfast?
Well, still just an oatmeal with banana and strawberries. And I like it very soft.
You are my eternal inspiration when it comes to optimism and excitement from guys. So I'd like to hear your most extraordinary experience!
You mean with men? Oh, you can't publish that! :D
Ok, then something less extraordinary?
Wow, you mean positive or negative? Because if negative, then maybe when my 75-years old landlord in Brasil, was hitting on me and wanted to take me on a weekend to see polo in Argentina. And we were stuck in his car in a 2-hours long traffic jam, so I couldn't even escape!!!
Why were you in his car in the first place?
We went to play tennis together! (I told you she liked tennis!)
And what about the posiive experience? Something what I can actually publish?
Oh well, probably I am still waiting for that one!
And something less romantic?
Well, with my one and only boyfriend I've ever had, when we had a nice romantic dinner and then strolled in the historic town of Porto.
I know, that you're now working for a consulting company. You must have a strict dress code there and there must be way too many men walking around in a suit, right? So how do you like this professional surrounding?
I love it! Because it's enough when a guy puts on a suit and he looks thousand times better! And the guys in my company, they dress up really well, they take care about their look a lot. And I really appreciate it, because at least it looks that they know what are they doing - when at least looking professional!
And I have to say, that there would be a potential material, but as I empirically found out, it's not such a great idea to start something up at your work.
Can you imagine your future relationship in these days?
Why is it all about men? :D Don't forget that men are not irreplaceable, all they are is just a piece of a muscle!
And what about some relationship advice? So we can all reach your level of optimism?
You should read some Brazilian press, because they write there, that men are irrelevant! In our Czecho-Slovak magazines they write about, what to do so men will like us more. But in those south-amarican they talk about how women are sexsymbols in society, and that it doesn't matter when somebody breaks up with you, because there must be something better waiting for you out there!
Who is your role model?
When it comes to fashion, I like Miranda Kerr. But when it comes to personality, doesn't matter how cheesy it sounds, my Mom is my role model. I can't really explain it, but she is the ideal character from Exupery's Little Prince or Barrie's Peter Pan. She is always pointing at the child inside of everyone of us, and that's what inspires me the most. I'd like to keep up to it my whole life and never to become boring and stereotyped whether it comes to men or anything else.
You always have to say that there's something better out there waiting for you and when something didn't work out, then there must be something better to come!
Thank you for the interview!
Dnes Vam predstavim svoju kamaratku Lubi, o ktorej som Vam uz hovorila v nedelu. Je to moja spoluziacka z vysokej skoly, s ktorou zdielame nie len vasen pre dobre jedlo a drinky, ale aj pre tenis, medzinarodne vztahy a chlapov.
A to je tema, ktorej by som sa tu chcela teraz venovat, lebo Lubi je pre mna vecnou inspiraciou, co sa tyka chlapov, lasky a vztahov - optimistka v kazdom slova zmysle! Milujem na nej to, ze sa dokaze zamilovat za dve hodiny, rozist sa za dva tyzdne a najst niekoho noveho za dva dni!
Nech sa paci!
Co rada ranajkujes?
Rada ranajkujem ovsene vlocky, ale kedze si ich nikdy nestihnem pripravit, tak som odkazana na to, aby som si kupila jogurt v zavodnej jedalni.
Ale co tak naozaj rada ranajkujes?
Ovsene vlocky v mlieku s bananom alebo jahodami. A necham si ich tam dlho odstat, aby boli makke :)
Si pre mna inspiraciou, co sa tyka nekonecneho optimizmu a nadsenia z chlapov. Tak by som chcela pocut Tvoj najextraordinernejsi zazitok.
To ako s muzmi? To nemozem publikovat :D
Tak potom nejaky menej extraordinerny?
Waw, ako pozitivny alebo negativny? Lebo negativny bol, ked ma moj 75-rocny domaci v Brazilii balil a chcel ma pozvat na polo na vikend do Argentiny. A stali sme v 2-hodinovej zapche, takze som nemohla ani utiect!
Preco si s nim vobec bola v tom aute?
Lebo som s nim bola hrat tenis! (hovorila som, ze rada hra tenis!)
A teraz ten najpozitivnejsi zazitok? Taky, co mozeme aj zverejnit.
Tak na ten asi este len cakam :D
A co tak nieco menej romanticke? Nieco, co Ti teraz utkvelo v pamati?
Tak potom asi s mojim jedinym ozajstnym priatelom doteraz, ked sme boli na romantickej veceri a potom na prechadzke po historickom Porte.
Viem o Tebe, ze momentalne pracujes v jednej nemenovanej auditorskej a consultingovej spolocnosti. A urcite tam mate prisny dress code a pohybuje sa okolo Teba milion muzov v oblekoch. Ako na Teba posobi tento pansky oblekovy kolektiv?
Mne to velmi vyhovuje! Lebo ved muzi v obleku, to tak staci aby bol krajsi od certa a uz hned vyzera v obleku skvelo! A oni sa tam celkom pekne obliekaju, ze im na tom zalezi. A hlavne v Tebe vzbudzuju respekt, lebo vyzeraju ze to, co robia aj vedia robit, a potom vedia jednat s klientmi. To sa mi paci.
Musim povedat, ze je tam nejaky ten pouzitelny material, ale ako som uz empiricky zistila, nie je tak dobre zacinat si nieco na pracovisku.
Vies si v sucastnosti predstavit svoj buduci vztah?
Preco je to cele o chlapoch?! :D To vies, chlap nie je nenahraditelny, ved je to len sval!
Co takto nejaka rada, aby sme sa aj my ostatni dopracovali na Tvoj level optimizmu?
Citajte brazilsku tlac pre zeny, lebo tam vsade pisu, ze chlapi su irelevantni. V tychto nasich cesko-slovenskych clankoch slate pisu, co mame robit, aby sme sa chlapom pacili. Ale v tych juhoamerickych, kde zeny su povazovane za sexsymbol a maju sa dobyjat, pisu ze ako je to jedno, ked sa na Vas niekto vykasle a ako viete najst nieco ovela lepsie v tom alebo v niecom inom.
Mas nejaky zensky vzor, ktory Ta inspiruje?
Co sa tyka mody, tak Miranda Kerr. A co sa tyka pristupu k zivotu, tak asi to bude hrozne klise, ale moja mamina. Ani to neviem vysvetlit, ale moja mamina ma velmi inspiruje v tom, ze ked mate napriklad radi A.S. Exuperyho alebo J.M. Barrie, co napisal Petra Pana, tak to je pre nich uplne idealna postava, ako zdoraznuju tu osobnost dietata v cloveku, tak to ma najviac inspiruje v zivote. A chcela by som sa toho drzat cely zivot a nedovolit si znudnut a zostarnut alebo upadnut do nejake stereotypu, ci sa tyka muzov alebo len tak vo vseobecnosti. Stale si musite povedat, ze ked to nevyslo, tak nevadi, asi ma vyjst nieco dalsie :)
"To vies, chlap nie je nenahraditelny, ved je to len sval!" :D to si treba dat asi do ramiku :)
Mam pre Teba ocividne napad na darcek na Vianoce :D Dakujem!