It's almost the end of October and trees are nicely colored in yellow and red - what more to wish for (except of some more sun and warm!)?
As I was walking from a tram today I couldn't resist taking a picture of lime leaves, 'cos they remind me so much of Berlin and it's famous "Unter den Linden" street. Here in Prague, the street is called just "Konevova", so no fancy name or meaning, but still nice yellow leaves on the pavement.
What I wanted to share with you today is, that it doesn't matter where you are, 'cos your heart can still find the best out of it anywhere you are!
So follow your heart and enjoy this autumn - it's beautiful!
PS: Pictures down are actually from Berlin. Can you see the difference? Apart of being stated there that it's Brandenburger Tor?
Je uz skoro koniec oktobra a listy na stromoch su stale krasne sfarbene - co viac si mozeme zelat (teda okrem toho, aby uz konecne vyslo slniecko a ostalo aspon tak teplo ako je!)?
Ked som dnes sla z elektricky domov, tak som nemohla odolat aby som si neodfotila lipove listy, ktorymi bol posiaty cely chodnik. Pripomenulo mi to moju vecnu nostalgiu za Berlinom, kde takto pohodene zlte listy boli hlavne na znamej Unter den Linden ulici. Tu v Prahe sa moja ulica vola celkom neromanticky Konevova, ale aspon ze na nej su tie lipove listy.
Co som Vam dnes tymto chcela povedat je, ze je jedno kde sa nachadzate a co robite, Vase srdce si tam stale najde to co ma najradsej. A to neplati len pre lipove listy! ;-)
Takze nasledujte svoje srdce a uzivajte si jesen - je prekrasna!
PS: Fotky dolu su zo spominanej Unter den Linden. Viete najst rozdiel? Teda okrem toho, ze na jednej z nich je napisane priamo Brandenburgska brana? :D
Nice pics :) Love allstars!
Thanks lovely! Who doesn't like converse, right? The best! xx
Deleteautumn <3
ReplyDeletexx the cookies
share the feeling
visit <3
Thanks, autumn is the best - indeed! Also thank you for sharing your blog - looking really cool! xx
Deletelovely photos! xxx
ReplyDeleteThank you, Sophie! xx