Ladies and gentlemen, today is my honor to introduce you to one of my longest friends - Petra (again! Once you get to know me better you realize that my friends are always Petras haha). We know each other from high school already, and now even studying at the university together.
But as this week is more or less about the changes in our lives, I'd like to show you the change Petra did with her orientation from diplomacy and nuclear disarmament to being a shampoo producer.
So here you go, read her story and get inspired!
What do you like for breakfast?
Honestly, the breakfast has never bothered me much. So usually I just grab a yogurt and muesli - there's nothing better for me! And on Thursday, when I have a class early in the morning I just eat on a tram - croissant and a latte.
Life is a change, and there were loads of changes in your life recently, as you transferred from diplomacy to the cosmetics industry. How is it? What can you say to it?
It was indeed a positive change, when you look at it from the materialistic point of view. It's been ages ever since I needed to buy cosmetics, as I am surrounded with it every day. So I changed NATO and UN for it. And I don't regret it at all. I take it as a phase in my life and when you're doing something what you really like you can find even diplomacy in it. But I am sure that the changes are still about to come :)
How do you mean it, that changes are about to come?
Well, just that I don't plan to stay in a cosmetics industry forever. I'd like to go somewhere abroad, which would definitely move me somewhere else as well.
Would you be willing to give up on a job, which the majority of graduates is dreaming of?
Yes, it's a dream came true for maybe 2 months. But in the end when you count all that time you had to sacrifice and all the other activities you could have done instead, you'll see that job is not that important.
There's plenty of administration in marketing but also a bit of creativity, even tho the orders come from abroad, where's the company's headquarter. But I don't know if it's any better somewhere else, maybe they just end at 5pm and not at 7pm.
But I've chosen it and I do not regret.
Thank you for the interview!
Vazeni a mili, dnes Vam predstavujem svoju dlhorocnu kamaratku, jednu z tych ludi, co poznam skoro cely zivot - Petru (ano, dalsia Petra, ked ma budete poznat lepsie, zistite, ze v mojom zivote je tych Petier trochu viac!). Stretli sme sa na gymnaziu a teraz spolu studujeme a byvame aj na vysokej skole.
Petra sa vsak rozhodla svet diplomacie vymenit za vyrobcov samponov a vstupit do sveta marketingu.
Dnes Vam tu ponukam jej pribeh, nech sa paci!
Co rada ranajkujes?
Ranajky ma nikdy nejak obvzlast netrapili. Zvycajne je to
jogurt a muesli – nic lepsie neexistuje! A vo stvrtok, ked mam skolu skoro
rano, tak ranajkujem v elektricke na ceste do prace, a to zvycajne croissant a latte.
Zmena je zivot, a v
Tvojom zivote nastali tie zmeny asi pred rokom, ked si sa z diplomacie
preorientovala na kozmeticky priemysel. Ake to je? Co by si k tomu vedela
Samozrejme to bola pozitivna zmena, z hladiska materialnych
statkov. Nakolko som si uz dost dlho nemusela kupovat kozmetiku, lebo som
nou priam obklopena. A tak som vymenila NATO, OSN a pod. za kozmetiku. Ale
nelutujem to, beriem to ako fazu, a ked to co robis, robis naozvaj rada, tak si
tam najdes aj tu diplomaciu. Ale som si ista, ze zmeny este len nastanu :)
Ako si to myslela, ze
zmeny este nastanu?
No, ze neplanujem zakoncit svoju karieru v kozmetickom
priemysle. Chcela by som ist este niekam prec, co by ma urcite tak isto niekam
Chcela by si sa vzdat
prace, ktora je pre vacsinu absolventov splneny sen?
Ano, je to splneny sen, ale asi tak len na 2 mesiace. Ked si
potom spocitas vsetok ten strateny cas a aktivity, ktore si kvoli praci
zanedbala, tak to o dost prevazi.
V marketingu je kopec administrativy, ale je tam aj
kreativita, aj napriek tomu ze prikazy prichadzaju z hora a my si ich mozeme len
prisposobit. Neviem, ale ci je to niekde inde lepsie, mozno akurat odchadzaju o
piatej a nie o siedmej vecer.
Ale ja som si to vybrala a nelutujem to!

my pleasure ;) odteraz sa budem viac zamyslat nad ranajkovanim ;)
ReplyDeleteRanajky = zaklad dna :) Ja sa uz vecer tesim, co si dam :D