Correct me if I am wrong, but I think that I still haven't told you about my friend Paul. I hope you all got that I am actually talking about this handbag - the Paul's Boutique.
So today I took it out with me to make me a company through the day at the uni. As usually on Thursday I have a cup of coffee with my friend Katka at the school cafe place and we observe German hipster erasmus students. But this time Katka is at home and I was left alone on this mission. So I brought my faithful friend Paul with me instead. Wanna know the result? No Germans!!! But the coffee was good, so still a win-win situation I guess - haha.
Anyway. I believe that every piece of your clothes or everything you have at home has a story. And so has this handbag. It was love at first sight when I discovered it in asos. But as it goes, it was immediately sold out, even sooner than I had a chance to check my accounts if I am able to collect money for it. So I've been spying on it for almost half a year and finally when I was in Germany it appeared to be in stock again. And this time it was mine!
But there's also a different story, which comes with it. It's how I met my friend Sophie. She has exactly the same one but in beige. So when I saw her with her Paul for the very first time - I went directly to her and told her how I admire her handbag. And boom we were friends!!!
What are the stories of your things? Anything interesting which is connected to the pleasant memories?
Opravte ma ak sa mylim, ale myslim, ze som Vas este nezoznamovala so svojim kamosom Paulom. Dufam, ze Vam vsetkym doslo, ze rec je o mojej kabelka, ktora je Paul's Boutique.
Takze som sa ju dnes rozhodla vyvetrat a vziat si ju so sebou do skoly. Zvycajne travim stvrtky s Katkou na kave v skole a pozorujeme hipsterskych nemeckych studentov, co su u nas na erasme. Ale dnes je bohuzial Katka doma, a tak som so sebou vzala na tuto tajnu misiu Paula. A viete co? Ziadni Nemci tam dnes neboli :D Ale kava padla vhod, takze aspon nejaka utecha!
O com som ale dnes chcela hovorit. U mna sa kazdy kusok siat alebo hoci aka ina vecicka spaja s pribehom. A tak je to aj s Paulom. Zaobstarala som si ho priblizne dva roky dozadu a poviem Vam, bol to boj! Ked som ho prvykrat objavila na asose, nestihla som si ani skontrolovat ucet, ci by som tam nieco naskrabala, a uz bol prec. Potom som ho spehovala asi pol roka a nakoniec, ked som bola v Nemecku, podarilo sa mi ho najst opat raz na sklade. A tentokrat bol uz moj!
Ale tak isto Vam viem k tejto kabelke povedat aj inu prihodu. Ako som sa zoznamila so svojou kamaratkou Sophie. Bola to viac menej laska na prvy pohlad. Lebo ked som ju videla ako bola na nejakej party s jej Paulom (ale v bezovej), vystartovala som k nej a prva vec co som jej povedala, bola pravdepodobne, ze milujem jej kabelku! :D No a tak sa stalo, ze sme kamosky!
Stava sa nieco take aj Vam? Maju aj Vase veci pribeh? Podelte sa on!
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