I love Saturday with friends! I can't think of anything better, well maybe having cocktails with my girls can beat it a bit, but still. I spent this Saturday having lunch with my dear ones, who I haven't seen for a while and it was just the best!
My beautiful friend Lubi (who I am gonna introduce you on Friday - hopefully soon) prepared for us the Lunch with capital L. She is not even super smart, understands numbers and knows what actually audit is, but she can also cook like a queen! All you boys out there - this is a perfect package!
Once again thank you for making such an effort!
I want this to become a habit!!!
Milujem Soboty s priatelmi! Myslim, ze nikto este nic lepsie nevymyslel, teda ak sa nerataju cocktaily s mojimi dievcatami :) Tuto sobotu som stravila obklopena mojimi milovanymi, ktorych som uz dlhsie nevidela a musim povedat, ze to bolo uple skvele!
Moja uzasna kamaratka Lubi (ktoru Vam snad uz coskoro predstavim v nejaky ten piatok), prichystala pre nas vsetkych Obed s velkym O. Nie len ze je extremne krasna a mudra, rozumie cislam a realne vie co znamena audit, ale vari ako kralovna! Vsetci chlapci tam vonku - toto je "perfect package"!
Este raz dakujem za to ze si nas pozvala, a ze si sa nam postarala o nebicko v papulke.
Z tohoto sa jednoducho musi skor ci neskor stat zvyk!!!
This looks delicious! I love the weekends, they are so relaxing and fun.
Thanks Vanessa - hope you had a nice weekend as well! x
DeleteOh wow, this does look so delicious. sounds like a great Saturday!!! Thanks for sharing!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you lovely, was truly a delight :)