I've already told you about the importance of a cake and a coffee in my life. But here's another cosy Sunday, which I've spent with a cake, cup of coffee and my friend Petra in her new home.
Was trying to find some nice quote for you to finish this week and I really liked this by Jarod Kintz:
"My couch is coffee-colored. I can thank Starbucks and clumsiness for that."
PS: I think I don't have to tell you that everything in the picture is made by IKEA (cake included) ;-)
Uz som sa tu tusim zmienila o tom, ake dolezite miesto v mojom zivote patri kusku kolaca a dobrej salke kavy. Dnes bola opat jedna z tych nediel venovana kolacu, kave a mojej kamaratke Petre, ktora sa novo prestahovala.
Snazila som sa najst nejaky pekny citat, aby som zakoncila tento tyzden, a tento sa mi pacil najviac. Je od Jaroda Kintzeho:
"My couch is coffee-colored. I can thank Starbucks and clumsiness for that."
PS: Myslim, ze Vam ani nemusim vraviet, ze vsetko na obrazku je "made by IKEA" (vratane kolaca) ;-)
co prezradzas tajomstvo sefkuchara?? :D odfotila si to ale pekne!:*
ReplyDeleteooo a pred par minutami k nam dorazila aj sbucks kava, takze nabuduce:)
DeleteUz sa tesim! Dufam, ze nabuduce bude skoro! xx
DeleteNabuduce tam uz budem aj ja! ;)
ReplyDeleteTak to teda dufam!!! Lebo by sa nam zislo pomoct s tortou :)
Deletelooks delicious!
Thanks - believe me it was :)))